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Going to Seattle in April. Official Now..see last page

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connie, dont let the xt6 get you down. its had a good run. dont let that change you mind on getting the coupe.



turbone, what is this prevention stuff you have? is there a consumer equivalent? once i get my brat done, i really want to make sure it doesnt gt like it was.

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connie, dont let the xt6 get you down. its had a good run. dont let that change you mind on getting the coupe.



turbone, what is this prevention stuff you have? is there a consumer equivalent? once i get my brat done, i really want to make sure it doesnt gt like it was.


I need to dig the cans out and take a pic.

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save it from the east coast rust monster.


Connie, Just remember what we were preaching at Steve all day saturday.


If it doesnt see salt, it wont rust.


If you are true to your word, and keep that coupe in the garage all winter (and dont let it out until all the salt has washed away in the spring) it wont be any different than if it was out west.


From the time I got my brat, it has never seen a winter. The rust it had on it has not spread, because I keep it on a no-salt diet :grin:


Our situation is better than someone right on the coast. They have salt in the AIR. :-\ At least OUR salt is trucked in and avoidable.

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8 Days!!!!! So.. I know of the Sat plans... Still dont know anything else....Just praying for good weather and no flight delays


And I had to laugh..my order of Rust Bullet and Metal Blast came today :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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8 Days!!!!! So.. I know of the Sat plans... Still dont know anything else....Just praying for good weather and no flight delays


And I had to laugh..my order of Rust Bullet and Metal Blast came today :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Hey Connie, I just got my rust bullet the other day. I was really excited to get it in the mail. :banana::clap:

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I was hoping this whole thing with Rocky was just an elaborate April fools gag.



Nope..I wish it was too..But:






And thats just partial..you know how hard it is to get pics under the car.... Plus the front wheels are fused on..I tried PB Blaster AND a sledge hammer and they wouldnt budge.


Starting to laugh about it now..Lesson learned..look cars over much better and dont let anyone "talk" you into it.. and ..even sitting outside over pavement..they will still rot

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I just saw your other thread. I am really sorry to hear about your car.


You have always wanted a West Coast Rust Free car. You know you are going to take really good car of the Coupe. Try not to worry about the car. LB is going to a great home and to an owner who will take the best care of her. LB will love the East Coast.

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Less then 5 days away!!!! And Rob just had to inform me that the "dinner" we are going to is semi nicely dressed...CRAP!!! I had to go buy clothes yesterday...my most hated of all activities..especially since gaining so much wieght..


OMG:eek: Less then 5 days...OK I am starting to really freak out now. Nervous fat chick alone on a plane...sounds like something comedies are written about:lol:

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No Need to get Grits or any Captains..:grin:


Its the final countdown ( doooodoododo dodododo ..ah heck...you know the song by Europe) 3 more days..:eek:


I figured you might need something to unwind when you got here ;)

I may have to call in the Maid Brigade the day before you arrive :rolleyes:

Long range weather forecast says light rain all week with partial sun this weekend :clap:

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Just dawned on me. I leave for work in an hour and a half..come home in the morning..Take a nap finish packing ...and off to the airport at 3am Thursday morning for my6 am flight. ( Dont forget us night shifters have a wierd view of our days)So..to me in my own reality..tomorrow!!:banana::eek: ( Thursday for the rest of the world..to me its wensday morning..think about it )

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Just dawned on me. I leave for work in an hour and a half..come home in the morning..Take a nap finish packing ...and off to the airport at 3am Thursday morning for my6 am flight. ( Dont forget us night shifters have a wierd view of our days)So..to me in my own reality..tomorrow!!:banana::eek: ( Thursday for the rest of the world..to me its wensday morning..think about it )
Safe trip Connie. Sleep on the plane. Looks like the weather might warm up for your arrival.
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