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Need some advice on my '88 GL-10

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hey guys long time no talk, my new business keeps me busy so i havent had time to get on lately.


anyways, i need your expert advice,my daughter just got her lisence and i have been letting her drive the gl-10,well the other morning she starts it and it idles up until it reached the proper operating temp. then idles down, but this time when it idles down to its regular idle speed, at this time it dies, so i let it sit for a few hours while i run some errands then i start it again, it starts, idles up, then idles down, then dies, i havent worked on it yet, i just want to get some ideas of wear to look, seeing how my teenage daughter drives it and we all know how impatient teenagers are as far as cars.


thanx for any help

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must we guess it's a turbo MPFI?


sure sounds like a vacuum line heat baked into

hard plastic and broken.

i.e vacuum leak.


The un patentable GD test.

Use the carb cleaner - squirt test on possible

locations, when the engine changes pitch

WHOOP dar it is.

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Make sure the air filter is clean.


Check for vac leaks as Skip mentions above.


Are there any codes present? CEL on?


Clean the idle air controller and the MAF, check the CTS for proper resistance, and the TPS idle switch for correct adjustment/function.


If you still have the problem after that, there's more detailed stuff you can get into.



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must we guess it's a turbo MPFI?


sure sounds like a vacuum line heat baked into

hard plastic and broken.

i.e vacuum leak.


The un patentable GD test.

Use the carb cleaner - squirt test on possible

locations, when the engine changes pitch

WHOOP dar it is.


lol i knew i was forgetting to mention it was a turbo, thanx for the info, i will get right on it, anyway anyone heard from Miles lately, i talk to jim woods every once in awhile, but never see or here from Miles anymore, last i heard he was working at u-haul in Wisconson.

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