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ABS Relay Sticking - Can I Repair relay, rather than buy a new one?

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I am experiencing the sticking ABS relay problem :mad: as described by others on this forum, such as here:




It has occured just twice in 4-5 months, and a quick tap with a screwdriver stops it immediately.


My question:

Rather than buy a new relay ($$ is tight) is my relay repairable? I'm thinking that if it is just a simple mechanical problem, such as worn contacts, or something crudded-up, there may be a simple fix, especially since the relay is not totally bad.


What do you think of fixing the relay?


I know, the best thing to do is to buy a new relay. But $$ is tight, so it would be helpful to postone that outlay for awhile.


Thanks, oh gurus!

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best bet is to get a used one. many people have access to parts cars or junk yards where these things are worth pocket change. post in the parts wanted forum or stop by a junk yard.


you could try diassembling it and cleaning the contacts though. they are rather simple in design and function, though i've never taken one apart.

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I was going to do the same thing last winter. In fact I still have them from my 95 Legacy. I had an ABS code (rear wheel sensor) and the pump turned on. I replaced the sensor and both relays (not sure if they were needed). I could sell you my old relays, as-is, for next to nothing. At least you could learn from opening yours up and use these in the mean time. They are working now, but hate to sell anything that I had a possible issue with.


Rude (fighting the pack rat within)

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