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Fuel problem, no flow, don't have my manual with me.

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I have a 1997 Outback wagon 2.5L 5 speed. I have to get my good winter vehicle to my new house which is over 100 miles away, and can not start it. I have checked and do not have flow of fuel at the filter. I can't hear the fuel pump kicking on for the couple seconds after I turn the key to on. I have checked all the fuses under the dash and in the engine compartment. None of them seem blown, but I havn't pulled all of them out to see. My manual is packed in a box buried somewhere in my new house. The owners manual doesn't tell me anything that helps. I could use some help to try and figure out what is going on, it started last week and ran just fine.


I don't know which fuses, or fusable link runs the pump or if there is a fuel pump shut off switch anywhere. I have taken off the covers behind the back seats and don't see any loose wires.


Any suggestions would be appriciated, Thanks.

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The fuse SBF-2 ties to the fuel pump relay and also the main relay via a red wire. There is a blk/red wire out of the FP relay going to the pump and it turns into a blu/yel wire at the pump end.


One thing that is required for the pump to work is that spark to the plugs needs to be working. Have you checked that? The main relay could be at fault also since that provides power to the ECU. Tapping on suspected relays with a screwdriver handle may drive out the gremlin, temporarily at least.

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i second cougar.....also you might want to get an assistant to tap on the gas tank with a mallet while you crank.....sometimes you can jar the fuel pump enough to get it going.....if it is indeed your fuel pump......just my experience......:)

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