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wagon rear sags with bad camber after installing RX suspension

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Last summer I put all stock RX suspension gear onto a GL-10 wagon.

I swapped over RX front gear, rear gear, tranny, LSD, etc, and XT6 20mm bars at the same time.


The rear end is very low (less than an inch tire gap),

ugly skyward rake (lights can't aim correctly),

nasty camber (only the inside half of tires touch pavement).


Did I bolt in parts crooked? Most of the stuff required good force to get the bolt holes lined up.

Is the wagon that much heavier? Worn bushings?

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Last summer I put all stock RX suspension gear onto a GL-10 wagon.

I swapped over RX front gear, rear gear, tranny, LSD, etc, and XT6 20mm bars at the same time.


The rear end is very low (less than an inch tire gap),

ugly skyward rake (lights can't aim correctly),

nasty camber (only the inside half of tires touch pavement).


Did I bolt in parts crooked? Most of the stuff required good force to get the bolt holes lined up.

Is the wagon that much heavier? Worn bushings?



I don'[t know about hieght. But the camber angle is adjusted by changing the relative poition of the control arm to the trailing arm. The traqiling arm pivot and the other 3 bolt hould be loosened, and then adjuted following thi proceedure


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Excellent, thanks for the scan.

I did mess with those bolts some when trying to line everything up.

Now I need the proper alignment numbers...

I don'[t know about hieght. But the camber angle is adjusted by changing the relative poition of the control arm to the trailing arm. The traqiling arm pivot and the other 3 bolt hould be loosened, and then adjuted following thi proceedure
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Did you use the springs from the RX on the back of your wagon? If so, that could be your problem. I'm pretty sure the back springs on the RX are not stiff enough for the wagons, as the back end of the wagon weighs quite a bit more than the RX rear end. A few years ago I swapped my leaky pneumatic suspension with a more standard set up. I did use the front springs from an RX, but used back springs from another wagon. Worked great for me. I get a very sporty ride. Also, I have read you can use the front springs from a 89 Accord on the back of the wagon. Will give you a bit more lift. Search the USMB for more details on that - I could be remembering it wrong.

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Did you use the springs from the RX on the back of your wagon? If so, that could be your problem. I'm pretty sure the back springs on the RX are not stiff enough for the wagons, as the back end of the wagon weights quite a bit more than the RX rear end


ding ding ding


RX coupe rear springs are 179lb/in and RX sedans are 160. Wagons use 196.....s



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ruh roah


so ur saying that rx springs can lower a wagon or that its not a good idea to lower it this way.




yes you can lower a wagon this way, but you will bottom out easier since the springs are softer, so it's not a really good way to lower it, best to flip the top mount and/or mount coil-overs.

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