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Want Part Numbers?

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We're lucky enough here in MN to have Subaru guys working at the parts counters of a couple of the Subaru dealers. and one time when I was in there, I was given a Parts Quick Reference Guide. It has proven invaluable over the last few years when ordering from my local dealer (the places with the subaru guys are a few hours away....so I don't get there very often). It doesn't have everything, but has most commonly replaced/service parts (wheel bearings, engine gaskets, lights, cooling stuff, hoses, etc. etc. etc.).


Anyway, I just noticed it has a part number of it's own listed on the back: MSA6P0403


MSRP according to 1stsubaruparts.com is $6.70. too bad they have a $13 minimum shipping charge. BUT, it might be worth asking at your local parts counter. either for the latest quick reference guide, or just drop that part number. This one covers EVERY subaru model from 1985-2004. which means EA81s too. and separated by model number.




just thought I'd share.

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