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Offroading 3/2/08!


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Im going offroading tomarrow.Just got the welded diff in.Some other rigs will possibly be going up.So far the list of rigs is:

1983 Subaru GL on tractor tires

1984 Chevy/GMC S10 on 33" mud tires

198X AMC eagle on street tires:dead:

1985 Dodge W150 on 31-32" mud tires


Thats how it looks now,but we will see.Now I have to fix a major exhaust leak off the left head.put a hose clamp around the RR axle boot becuase during the drama with the diff it came undone.Oh and RE-fix my taillight with ductape.And put a few bucks in for gas(unlike everyone else except the AMC)


The subaru and the dodge both have welded rears.The chevy has a factory LSD,not sure about the AMC...


Should be Fun.I am aiming to bring the camera,might even get action shots..:banana:

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well,we tried to go up there.By we,I mean myself and a S10.We got to a "staging area" at the bottom of the hill where all of the snowmobilers/atv's unload and go up.So I swaped out the tractor tires.Theres two main roads up to where we were gonna play in WAHA,ID if you want to google it.the first of which is called "Stagecoach RD",it is a rather steep,narrow,short,and sometimes maintained road.This time it had just been plowed so the snow wasnt bad at all.My buddy in the S10 wanted me to go first so he could see how much stuff the tires flung up.I went alittle ways up the hill in FWD, before noticing the S10 on 33X12.50 MUD tires was not keeping up.so I Stopped and waited alittle bit,finally they called me and said they would take the other road up, "ZAZA RD" and meet me at the top."ZAZA" is long,not very steep,2 lane road most of the time,turny,and is normally maintained.So I resume putting up stagecoach in FWD at 20 MPH.And have no problems whatssover getting up the hill.I get to where stagecoach and Zaza merge and wait for 25 minutes.Up there there is no cell phone coverage.So anyway,I figure something is wrong so I begin to head down zaza slowly and try to find them.I get about 3/4 of the way down when I regain cell phone service.So I call them and ask where they were.It seems the S10 wouldnt go into 4wd so they couldnt go up the hill.In fact it got so bad that they actually spun into a snow bank and had to be resqued by a passing ford with a winch.At that point they decided to head down and wait at the bottom.that was about 10 minutes before I called them.today I guess was just an exercise in driving and changing tires.

On top of that before this all started I was driving to their house after just putting gas in my car and I get pulled over.Normally that wouldnt be a big deal but my car is not registered,insured,nor does it have a title.I told the officer that I just bought the car from a friend for $10 and hour ago and was out test driving it.He asked if he could see the bill of sale or other items saying that I just bought it.I fumbled in my pocket then said I must have left the bill of sale at my friends house that I "bought" the car from.so he writes down the VIN number and returns to his car.Sometime latter he returned back to my car and gave me a ticket for "not registering a vehicle before operation" and "failure to show insurance".He said that because I didnt have the bill of sale it was impossible to know if I really had just bought the car.So after he left I went to my friends house and "got" the bill of sale.Even says what time I "bought" the car.Hopefully that will be enough to get out of the $208 ticket.

That and my sister's boyfriend,who is like family I might add,was dianosed with acute apendixis.And had to have his appindix removed.


so today,I get a ticket,sister's boyfriend gets surgery,and I didnt get to go 4x4ing.

I guess bad luck happens in threes.Not being able to go 4x4ing sucks because I wont even be home for month or so,so no 4x4ing during prime snow wheeling conditions.


still though makes me feel better that my little soob did better than a S10 with 33X12.50 mud tires that are like brand new.My soob was just running 6.00X14 tractor tires mearsuring 26X7".

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Glad you at least got to go out and test it.

Bummer about the other events of the day though.


Gotta have you friend fix the 4WD on his S10 so he can keep up wth your soob in 2WD next time. :grin:


hehe... tractor tires. :)

That's just gotta rock.

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