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Pneumatic suspension maintenance?

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Hi all!

I have an 1993 Subaru Legacy 2,2 16V AWD automatic with Pneumatic suspension. I live in Romania country,East Europe.

Here this car is very unknown and I have no ideea who can help me wirh informations about my Subaru in my country.This is the reason for my asking, and I`m sure that this is not the only question of mine!

So! What can I do to maintain my suspension in good shape?

I sow some rust under the rubber of suspension that seems to be abrasive?

Can I protect it somehow?

(Sorry for my english!!!)

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I've heard of using some sort of grease or heavy oil (Grease would be better) on the base plate, under the rubber bag, to prevent it from rusting. Take some sand paper and sand off the rust, so it is smooth, and then coat it with grease. You'll probably need to re-apply the grease once every few months to keep it from rusting, but this should help as long as the rust has not worn through the rubber.

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What about water in the air lines, where does it go? Compressing wet air normally puts water in the system. Would it be wise to drain our pneumatic systems or did Subaru design an automatic water drain? Or should we just not care because the rubber will rot first anyway?


Romania, if your car still has the original air struts, the rubber air bags might not last much longer. The air struts in my '93 Legacy died after only 8 years and cost the previous owner a fortune to replace. So it might be smart to find some standard non-pneumatic struts to have incase your old struts do fail. Good luck and welcome to the message board.

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As far as water in the system, Subaru designed it so that when ever a strut beelds off air, it is routed back to the tank, and then bleed off there, thus blowing out the lines and valves.


I'm not sure how they deal with water in the tank, although I think the manifold, which is between the compressor and everything else, has dessicant in it.



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