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Guess What

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Well Guys, I was fired today with 8 others from my JOB because I looked at the USMB at work ... 10 years down the tubes ...


Overnight we have alot of down time and nothing to do so we surf online...


If they didnt want us to use the internet they should have blocked it..


Shortly I will have to sell my EA81 Wagon and stuff I guess..


They told us they will fight not to pay us unemployment that they will fight us .. Joe

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i am sorry.


If there is an employees manual, look and see what it says there. If it doesnt say anything about internet usage, then they have a problem.


Apply for unemployment and let them fight it. Be honest in the explination. As it is a porn site, and no one was warned ahead of time, it probably wont stand up.


It sounds like they were looking for a way to lay off people and circumnavigate the notification laws (if any).


good luck.



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i am sorry.


If there is an employees manual, look and see what it says there. If it doesnt say anything about internet usage, then they have a problem.


Apply for unemployment and let them fight it. Be honest in the explination. As it is a porn site, and no one was warned ahead of time, it probably wont stand up.


It sounds like they were looking for a way to lay off people and circumnavigate the notification laws (if any).


good luck.




Subaru p0rn? :rolleyes:


A little hint to folks that browse at work....always delete your browser history when you log off.

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dang, that just plain sucks.

I always thought i would have the same thing happen, was addicted to Craigs, LegacyCentral, USMB, Ebay, etc.......I just don't end up staying at the jobs long enough i guess, plus that was when I was in the IT department........


I would suggest maybe in the jobless time, to sell some extra parts you may have on Ebay. would be surprised what sell on there. Hopefully you won't need to sell a car, maybe just parts....


Did they give you any prior warning? sounds like just another excuse to put the layoff blame on something they are failing at too. The other people? were they also looking at USMB..?


good luck.

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+1 to everything nipper said :-\ fight it, no matter what they say about what they might do. an independent third party makes the decision about if you were terminated for "actions directly affecting" their company in a negative way, or not. with no warnings, and no attempts at securing workstations so that the internet was not available (and as long as you weren't looking at pr0n :rolleyes: ) they won't have much of a leg to stand on . . . just an fyi

and make sure your department of unemployment for your state understands that there is nothing Not Work Safe about the USMB, this forum even *****************'s swearwords :grin: not all forums are so clean . . .



i am sorry.


If there is an employees manual, look and see what it says there. If it doesnt say anything about internet usage, then they have a problem.


Apply for unemployment and let them fight it. Be honest in the explination. As it is a porn site, and no one was warned ahead of time, it probably wont stand up.


It sounds like they were looking for a way to lay off people and circumnavigate the notification laws (if any).


good luck.



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Sucks.... I think a good warning would have made a more loyal employee... but who am I but a working stiff. They made their point to the other employee's and an example of you.


Set backs like this can be a positive in your life. You never know what will come up from the ash's.


good luck.

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Fight for it - you'll win. I've done it twice.


They have one BIG thing going against them. They fired 8 people at the same time. This looks VERY bad to the unemployment department investigation. Make sure you point this out when you apply.


It will look as if they were looking for a reason - and that's all you need is doubt. The unemployment people will stick it to them with a big stick. They are just trying to scare you into not applying at all.


Tell the employment department business was slow, and they were looking for a reason to get rid of people. Make sure you mention a number of people were fired at once. They will have no choice but to give you benefits.


Incidentally - what did you do?


I guess I'm lucky - we have no internet at work and probably never will. Otherwise I would have a problem :popcorn:


Also - by law they have to warn you first. The employment department doesn't look kindly on them for not "trying to work things out" before just handing you a pink slip. You'll get benefits no questions asked if they didn't warn you adequately.



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Well I hate to tell you what I did, I was a Deputy Sheriff and prior to that a cop ...


Honestly after almost 20 years in this line of work I have nothing good to say about most law enforcement.. And again I say most, there are a few good eggs in the field. Some of them are no different than the people they arrest except they think they are entitled to do what ever whenever..


My job here in Pa was so,so in the money department, even after being there almost 10 years I was still not making what the average cop starts at... No where near, but I liked the job and the hours and figured I would just work some overtime to make some cash..


If all cops were rich they would not be like me buying used cars for 1000 to 2500 bucks to get buy with..


Its all politics and corruption .. If the public really knew what goes on behind the scenes in PA. Law Enforcement they would be shocked, from State Police to Local Cops to County Sheriff's... Im surprised anything really gets done at all work wise ...

Its sad really....

I gave up police work to go to the Sheriff's Office because I was tired of arresting people for real crimes for them to only get a slap on the hand and be back out doing the same old thing. The system doesnt work and fails all of you.. No one cares until it directly effects them, That is why the Politicians in Federal Goverment Washington could care less about all of you the working class..

Why ? because they live SHELTERED RICH LIVES in Big Fancy homes in a fancy gated community. So it doesnt matter to them if your son gets hooked on drugs or that there is a drug house next to your home. BECAUSE THEY DONT LIVE THERE AND NEVER SEE THIS, THEY KNOW NOT OF THE FEAR SOME PEOPLE LIVE IN DAILY. THEY HAVE NO WORRY OF MONEY OR CRIME UNTIL IT DIRECTLY EFFECTS THEM.

Look at Washington DC, it should be the safest place in our country, BUT YET CRIME is rampid in DC.

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Sorry to hear about this cole. I know what you mean. I was a town cop back int the 70's. The cops were different then. Most of these guys today can only cite or arrest people if not they ignore 'em.

Your former empolyers will probaly lie right to your face at a hearing. The higher up the food chain the lower the life. I hope you make out.

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Thanks, I only got into Law Enforcement in the early 90's back then I was trained from the guys that worked in the 70's.. OLD SCHOOL, TRUE BLUE.. Today there is a different type of animal the academy is putting out on the street, it is one that would cut the throat of his brother to get ahead.... Im ashamed of the career I went into, if I only new back then what I know now ...


When the show COPS hit the TV back in 1992 it was all down hill from there ... All of a sudden everyone wanted to wear the shield, people that really were not cut out for the job...


Again Im ashamed of where I worked... Everyone hates the Police, but the fact is the POLICE HATE THEIR OWN..

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Here's another thought, do they have specific instances were they can prove it was you??? Do you have a log-in or some other way for them to be sure that the internet usage was directly associated to you??? If not, it would again be very hard to prove who was doing what. Tim

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Well here is the problem, Management the Sheriff was not quick to give new people on my shift passwords and log on codes to be able to do there work, so everyone had my password and another guys.


The Sheriff claims everyone has a log on, but that is not true.


I asked the Sheriff last month how to change my log on and he couldnt tell me how to, The reason is I had heard that the county was gonna head hunt people so I wanted to change my password.

Of course the puke that he is denied we ever had a phone conversation to that effect.. So the head hunt was on by him is all..


I dont know how some people can wake up in the morning and feel good about themselves

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Well here is the problem, Management the Sheriff was not quick to give new people on my shift passwords and log on codes to be able to do there work, so everyone had my password and another guys.


The Sheriff claims everyone has a log on, but that is not true.


I asked the Sheriff last month how to change my log on and he couldnt tell me how to, The reason is I had heard that the county was gonna head hunt people so I wanted to change my password.

Of course the puke that he is denied we ever had a phone conversation to that effect.. So the head hunt was on by him is all..


I dont know how some people can wake up in the morning and feel good about themselves

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Hey cole..I have been a victim of PA Law enforcement laziness..They would not do anything about my stalker..he vandalized my car..broke in my house...killed my animals..held a 357 magnum to my head..etc...etc...and even left notes admitting to doing it..I asked what I needed to do to get this to stop..and they told ME to move out of state. I did...moved back a couple years later and my stalker started right back up and once again..nothing was done..Now y'all know why I live in CT.


Sorry that you lost your job...but who knows..maybe it is for the best...something better is waiting for you. I would still fight for the unemployement. Good Luck with everything

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Many thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts... It does not surprise me that PA law enforcement told you to move out of state..

I have found any state that is a commonwealth is a joke ...


If I did not have a elderly mother to take care of I would move out of state and start new...


As far as your stalker, WOMAN In crisis should be notified and the district attorney's office.. Just for the record Woman in Crisis is not just for woman, its for anyone that has been a victim of doemstic violence...

I dont understand if you had a written note why it was not submitted to the crime lab for prints to be lifted for use as evidence, even if the suspect has never had a criminal history that he was printed on a prior arrest the police should be able to get a search warrant for the suspects prints, or any object that he has touched that they can lift a print from they can match up the prints on the paper he left. Even if the interview him and he agrees to write a statement he will leave his prints on the police document...

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In VA (and in most other states) They can fire you for any reason besides religion, skin color, or sexual orientation. Wear a pink shirt? Fired. One long distance call? Fired. Wear too much cologne? Gone.


They probably ran out of money and had to think of something to blame it on. Happens all the time.

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Cole..I was in statie jurisdiction too..This all happened back in 2000 then started back up in 2003. I couldnt even get them to do anything about the animal cruelty.( killed my 5 cats 5 rabbits and 13 chickens and lined them up on the porch with a note saying"Your Next" )

I couldnt even get a restraining order...I had alittle protection when I moved back..some friends who kept an eye out for me..But it was too much.Lets just say...I lived 14 years in one of those lives they make movies about.:-\


Just so you know..they are hiring in your field here in my town in CT:grin: I live across from the police commissioner..and he is a great guy..and this part of CT is down home cool..not stuck up rich like the rest of the state;)

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Definitely fight for your unemployment benefits. When I worked the night shift at the last job I had, we had internet access which was ok by management for a while. Ok, until a couple of people abused the priviledge and then they banned internet use on the shop floor, but no one was ever fired for it.


Luckily, when they shut down our shop we were able to secure TRA benefits which has been a nice cushion to fall on. Also, the wife and I had started our own business a couple of years before and now we are looking at being self-employed.


As far as money goes, what skills do you have that you can sell? Turn a wrench? Advertise brake jobs on craigslist. With a law enforcment background, maybe try some kind of security consultation business. I have embraced a mutilple streams of income kinda thing. Our business provides the bulk of our income, but the wife teaches a class at the local college, I play bass in a steady working band, a photographer friend and I have hooked up to do some design work, etc.


I think a decade is the most we'll ever get out of a regular job these days....

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