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At 6:55 I left work from downtown.

I left early to clean off the car and warm it up a little.

I have never seen it so covered in snow. ( garage )

The lot had about a foot of powder in it.

Drove out of that with utmost composure, even past the two ft plow piles.

Had to follow scrapers all the way to the highway.

The highway was neat, graded 1 inch hard pack snow.

The sound was a low pitched squeaking combined with a turbine like spraying sound.

I finally realized that I could pass really slow cars and drive casually, with both hands on the wheel. The highway was neat like a big single lane!


The off ramps were starting to make people stuck and my friend confessed that his jetta would have been stopped there.


Had to drive into a subdivision where i had to back into a parking spot 2 ft drift. ( mexican standoff ).


Drove home uneventfully. But, the last 100 ft was a huge 3 foot snow drift.

Garage door remote in hand I opened it from a distance.

Then I drove calmly and steadily into the garage.

Truly Bliss and I was home earlier than I am when I take transit:grin:


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I never really enjoyed the true value of a Subaru..until this year with my 08 Imppy..All my other Subarus were FWD except my XT6 that due to really bad tire choice was aweful in snow.

Isnt it a great feeling to be in total control during something that normally would have you in a panic or that fear of getting stuck. This winter was the first one ever that I looked forward to snow.


BTW you Canadians Rock! ..You got better Hockey coverage then we do:grin:

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I don't understand why not one US company hasn't done this. These AWD's are great in almost any driving conditions including ice. Here in RI we see it all and the soobs handle it. I see suburu's everytime I go anywhere here, the only place I don't see'em is in the used car section of the paper, nobody sells them. I work close to the snow belt in Mass. I own my soob to be able to get home and I always have. The only thing that comes close to a Subaru is USMB! :clap: This site is the most vaulable tool a Subaru owner can have. I learn more about my car and soobs in general here than I've learned anywhere and I've been at it a long time.

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The only thing that comes close to a Subaru is USMB! :clap: This site is the most vaulable tool a Subaru owner can have. I learn more about my car and soobs in general here than I've learned anywhere and I've been at it a long time.


Hear, hear! Truth.


A most sincere mahalo to the best bunch of car enthusiasts it's been my pleasure to be associated with.

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This is my 3rd Outback Wagon since 97 and I'll always own until the day I can't drive anymore. With a good set of winter tires they are almost unstoppable. There is no white-knuckled driving. The only problem you'll have is the other cars on the road that slow you down, or poor visibility. Great cars!

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