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Car is a 1999 imp L 2dr. Problem: lots of play in the wipers transmission arms. Wiper would slap hard on return on high and travel almost past the edge of the windshield frame. Well I did some exploratory surgery and I think I need a new bushing where the arm connects to the motor.

Question: Can the small braket bolted to the motor or the bushing be purchased as a seperate part? The other end has the bushing that holds the arm. Also does anyone have any pics or drawings of what the bushing looks like?

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Those bushings should be available. Also the old junk yard route never fails. Those bushings dont usually fail inless people dont clear thier windshield of ice before turning on the wipers.




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Those bushings should be available. Also the old junk yard route never fails. Those bushings dont usually fail inless people dont clear thier windshield of ice before turning on the wipers.





Hi, Nipper, I wouldn't doubt she does just that with the ice on the windshield. Subaru should hire this woman to stress test their new models.

I swear if the girl was in a rubber room with a car she'd find a way to break it.

She does keep me busy. Thanks, nipper

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Well I got the part for the wipers. Had to buy the rod. The bushings look like they wouldn't go in easy and they are not sold seprately. What a B&*%^$ of a job:mad: :eek: ! Looks easy until ya try to stick your hand in there with the rod to line it up on the mounting ball. Can't see it, can barely feel it. Finally it got by turning the wipers on and stopping them with the ign. key. That got the ball a little closer to the small access hole at the motor and was able to press the rod on with a BIG pry bar. Price of rod was $12.00

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