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forester lift springs.....


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how much, and where can i find em? im open to all websites and possibilities.... lookin at gettin me a newer subie and was thinkin forester because it has more head room for bigger people and for my bikes in the back..... but i would have to lift it and put bigger tires on it, just my style..... any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!!

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I have been looking into doing the same thing myself.


However, the Foresters have very limited clearance for larger tires. Mainly due to the lower spring seat(s) in the back. I have 205/70/15s on my forester.... and I cant fit my pinky into the space I have left between the top of the tire and the bottom seat on the rear struts. :eek:


There is a guy on the Forester forums that re-welded the seats higher on the struts....that worked nicely.


You CAN also get lift blocks for the strut tops and subframe. This will get you lift.... but not bigger tires per-se.

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i actually looked on tire rack and found that the kumho MT KL71 is close to the same size if not the same size, but a heck of alot more agressive....... the tire size is 235/75/15 whereas the stock tires are 205/70/15..... not much difference, but much more aggressive.......

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