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MWE Axles, Are They Reliable??

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Hi. I used an MWE axle on the front of my '00obw. I have had it one for maybe 10,000 miles. Has been great so far. None of the vibration or clicking issues that seem to occur sometimes with parts store axles. I have also used a Subaru OEM reman axle on a different soob which worked fine too (but at nearly twice the price).


Here's what mine looked like:



Only note: MWE axle (mine anyway) did not include a new axle nut and spring/roll pin.

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top notch. check out the vendor review forums as well. they stand behind their products, i've got them in a few subaru's.


basically any aftermarket is a hit-or-miss affair and Subaru is waaay too expensive, so they really are the only good option for new axles. what you need to ask is how many people have had poor quality axles from auto parts stores....leaking boots, noisey, bad vibrations, broken after ONE WEEK...yeah don't get us started on how bad axles suck. it's really silly to look anywhere else. the only down side is shipping them and waiting, but well worth it to have something quality.

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Hi. I used an MWE axle on the front of my '00obw. I have had it one for maybe 10,000 miles. Has been great so far. None of the vibration or clicking issues that seem to occur sometimes with parts store axles. I have also used a Subaru OEM reman axle on a different soob which worked fine too (but at nearly twice the price).


Here's what mine looked like:



Only note: MWE axle (mine anyway) did not include a new axle nut and spring/roll pin.


Thanks for the all info, So far I've haven't seen any negative replys as we see on other axles? Looks like these are one of the best Remans?


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Yes that is what my research showed before I bought from them too.


I have also tried a Subaru oem reman axle on my '96 which seems to be working fine too but again is like twice the price of the mwe.



Note the mwe did not include a new axle nut and spring/roll pin, which the subaru oem reman did (not a big deal; the axle nut is maybe $4)


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he doesn't like the idea of re-using the axle nut.


It doesn't matter, really IF the threads are OK and the punched in detent isn't cracked. The "active threads" are all down below that threaded nut extension anyway and the torque is what matters most. The only thing the detent does is remind you that the nut WAS torqued and staked (that's the detent) right after torquing. It also stops the nut from backing off if the torque wasn't set correctly. It's not a self locking nut


Myself, I'm used to stainless lockwire :grin:

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As you remove the nut it unstakes itself, when you torque the nut on you restake it with a drift punch. I can fully understand not re-using them but at the same time I dont think its the axle remanufacturers job to provide a nut it isnt a rebuildable part its either a consumable part or a re-usable part. It would seem like a small price to pay for piece of mind I just try to save a few bucks on my car repairs where I can.

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Just curious, is it possible to thread the used axle nut back on so that a different (fresh) part of the axle nut ends up at the stake position? Not sure if the threads could work out that way?


Yes, I agree I don't think it is the remanufacturer's job to include a new axle nut or spring/roll pin. I just thought I would make note of it.


Speaking of which....I need to order me up an MWE axle for my '94, I spotted a torn outer boot on her a few weeks back and sometimes she's clicking in the turns.

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