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Re-routing turbo hoses?

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While doing this, I am also replacing the coolant hoses to the turbo. Anyone re-routed the the PITA one that sits under the turbo? I'm going to try to do it. I'll let you know how it turns out.


PS. Why did they use a hose there anyway? Why couldn't they have just run the tube all the way from the block, or at the very lest put the hose in a different spot?

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OK. I didn't reroute the hoses after all. That would have taken too much time running around to get parts. So instead I fabbed a heat shield out of an old liscense plate I had laying around.





This is what it looks like almost installed.




I got the engine running late yesterday. Today, I still seem to have a decent case of TOD. Darn! The oil pressure has improved thuogh, and so far I don't smell any burning oil. I'm going to double check the timing, give 'er a wash, then do a freeway test drive. Maybe that will free the ticking lifter.



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I will reroute it or reengineer it at some point, but that is not now. I had to replace it with the engine in the car with only the tools from those freebie emergency roadside kits, i.e. pliers, a cheap a$$ socket wrench and about 5 metric and standard sockets. Oh and a screw driver. That was the least fun I've ever had working on my car. I would try to find some hose insulation to put over it. There are a lot of companies making this stuff, basically any company that makes header wrap will probably have what is needed.

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I would try to find some hose insulation to put over it. There are a lot of companies making this stuff, basically any company that makes header wrap will probably have what is needed.


went to napa to pick up said hose insulation (the tube shaped stuff) a few days back, they sell it. but for $20 for a 3' tube!!!!! :eek::dead:

their universal exhaust, coolant, intake wrap was also $20, but for a 1.5x20' roll, so that may be the route to go, unless someone here knows a reason not to use the wrap on anything besides exhaust? . . . i was thinking wrap tight and use thick zip ties/hose clamps on the ends . . .



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