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Opinions on '81 carb

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I am rebuilding an '81 Hitachi carb to put on my '81 Hatch 1.8 4WD. I have been running an '83 carb for a couple years, and I like to rebuild about every two years. I have got an extra '83 that I have already rebuilt, but I would like to match the carb to the engine/ecu.


Hitachi changed the design a bit after '81, and I was wondering if anyone knew the extent of those changes. The accelerator pump design wasn't that good in '81, so I am changing it to a later model acc. pump, but I want to know if anyone knows of any other reason not to use the '81 carb?

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You're right GD, he did say 4wd.


But his other post about Duty Solenoid being disconnected threw me off.


So......something is not adding up here?


Ferox, Are you SURE you even have an ECU? Perhaps someone put a 2wd engine/carb into this car?


But GD is right, 81 4wd should not have an ECU unless it's a Cali car.

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Bump for comments on an '81 carb before I put it on my car. I have heard qualitative comments that they aren't good, but nothing specific. I changed the accel. pump and needle/valve seat to later model versions. It's the simplest version of the Hitachi I have seen (choke and vacumm), and the jetting is different. Those are the four main differences I know. Here's the pics: (I know there is a spring missing I just didn't feel like redoing the pics)





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