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Corolla GT-s HELP!!!

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my friend wants me to fix her corolla tomorrow does anybody on here have any experience with the 87 4A-GE Engine? The Problem is.... it has no power. floored it barley accelerates. like its out of time. i didn't have any tools with me today to check anything out. but she says it recently sprayed coolant on the spark plug covers... MAYBE?? I'm thinking maybe its fuel related what do you guys think??

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First check for loose/cracked hoses and obvious stuff, there's nothing like an easy fix.


After that, check compression and spark on all cilinders. Check the plugs for signs. Is it fuel injected? If so, check if injectors are fireing, see if the fuel pump works properly, check fuel filter. If you can, see if there are any trouble codes on the ECU.


If all this stuff turns out oke, I have no specific knowledge on this car, perhaps try the Toyota fora?

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Check for a clogged cat. Get yourself a vacume gauge and hook it up and see what it reads and what the needle does. Check the timing to make sure the belt hasnt jumped (or chain i forget which it has). Look for the basic stuff first.




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