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Tod ?

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A while back I posted a thread about my EA82 tapping or ticking when I pushed the car a little hard on a hill climb.


So I parked it with the intention of Seafoaming it and have yet to attempt it.


Today I start and run her and the TICK OF DEATH has disappeared. Is it magic ? Was there divine intervention ?


OR Did the space aliens that stole someones subaru parts abduct my car in the middle of the night and fix it ???? And place a chip in my car somewhere to keep track of it ???


I guess I will never know... Joe :slobber:

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It happens, believe me. All of my subarus have done it from time to time. All higher mileage. Mine will tick for a little while, then if you bring the r's up it will stop and not do it for a while. Then it will just start ticking again at some random time. It's just part of life with an old subaru.

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wow..how the hell did you find one up here with that low of mileage!? I'm suprised I didn't spot it first ;) Despite the low mileage though, the seals and o-rings are still old. My 94 Loyale ticks on occasion, it has around 130k on it or something. If it stopped, I would be happy, until it comes back,lol. Since you don't have high mileage, I would just say the seals and all are leaking due to age.

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No leaks that I see. The car was not local it was from Mississippi ..


THERE IS ZERO RUST. I plan on Por-15 the car this year to protect it.


You don't have access to a lift do ya by chance LOL


Make it easier to paint...

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