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89 xt6

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i was thalking to an guy the other day and he has an xt6 sitting in his shop. he was saying he wanted to sell it but dosent know how much he wants for it. its in good shape and runs and drives. what would be a good offer for it, price i was thanking $1200 i just dont want to afiend the guy

input would be nice and what to look for on that car



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be sure to join us on the XT6 forum if you have more interest: http://subaruxt.com/forum/


$1,200 is reasonable if it runs and drives and doesn't need something major - like an engine, transmission, headgaskets or clutch.


as with any car that's 20 years old you have to expect lots of things are in need of maintenance. every little hose is 20 years old and probably dry rotted or marred by rusted hose clamps. so i'm not going to talk about how many 20 year old maintenance items there are on every car...that's just general information.


i will mention the cooling system based on the costs of the radiator, which is a reason some people sell. locally you can't get an XT6 radiator for under $500 probably. the cooling systems are usually in dire need of attention...radiators (subaru only $300), hoses, and water pumps are sometimes still original. not good and a sub-par cooling system means engine running hot....20 year old seals and gaskets don't last long when they start overheating. so make sure you check for signs of cooling issues and the condition of the radiator.


power steering system is a goofball on the XT6 - it's an electric pump. it *requires* special fluid that's very rare and expensive ($20-$40 a quart). not much of it left in the world either, i ended up buying like 5 quarts when there were only 20 or so left in the US i think. but there has been some success in just converting to ATF...although that's not recommended either.


but in general the power steering system is very reliable - if it doesn't work it's usually just that the motor needs new brushes which are less than $20.


if it's an AWD - it will have air suspension, not conventional spring struts. this is also another common reason people sell them. the air suspension can be a real flake. they are very hard to diagnose and parts are $$$$$. air struts are $300+ each and i think that's the discount subaru prices. they are actually very reliable but once they have issues can be a bear.


but the good news is that they are completely swappable to coil over suspension parts and all that information is over on the XT forums. that's really the best way to go unless you have some strange reason for keeping the air suspension...i like to keep mine.

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i was thalking to an guy the other day and he has an xt6 sitting in his shop. he was saying he wanted to sell it but dosent know how much he wants for it. its in good shape and runs and drives. what would be a good offer for it, price i was thanking $1200 i just dont want to afiend the guy

input would be nice and what to look for on that car





If you get it, my shop is south of you on hwy 99. Just before you get to Corvallis, just after Lewisburg rd., is my shop. Behind *The Futon Man* I'd be happy to see it and give it a look over for issues. Hell, you could maybe convince the guy to let you bring it to me for an inspection before purchase to check it out.

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thanks for in input i had no idea about the power steering i guess you learn something new each day. most thing on a car i could fix i work on cars every day but never messed with the xt6 befor. if there is anything eles on that that car to watch for let me know



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