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Rack & Pinion backlash adjustment is where?

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Where is the rack & pinion backlash adjustment screw on my 95 Legacy Outback Wagon? I know it is near where the steering column comes into the rack, but I could use some more instructions. I am finding all sorts of things loose from wear and age, and want to check out the slop in the rack. Thanks for any tips on where to look for the adjustment screw.

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Seems to be according to the FSM for my 97. PM me with your email address and I will send you the section on Steering gear service procedures.


Per the manual:

Inspection = poor mating of rack with pinion


Corrective action = Adjust backlash properly. By measuring turning torque of the gearbox and sliding resistance of the rack....

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Thanks yohi. From your good information, I see that there IS an adjustment for steering play.


Now, some questions for the Collective:

1) Has anyone here ever adjusted the rack play? ( rack-slack:lol:)



2) Where is the adjustment screw on the rack, and can I access it from under the car? I see from the pdf that it's in the vicinity of where the steering column comes in, but I can't get the orientation figured out in my mind. That area of my car is grimy, so it's really hard to see anything.


Thanks, gang.

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Thanks yohi. From your good information, I see that there IS an adjustment for steering play.


Now, some questions for the Collective:

1) Has anyone here ever adjusted the rack play? ( rack-slack:lol:)



2) Where is the adjustment screw on the rack, and can I access it from under the car? I see from the pdf that it's in the vicinity of where the steering column comes in, but I can't get the orientation figured out in my mind. That area of my car is grimy, so it's really hard to see anything.


Thanks, gang.


First time I hear there's an adjustment screw for steering play. No wonder this is my car repair and maintenance university.

What I know though is that steering play can also be caused by a loose steering universal joint (there are two in line) just before where the steering column joins the steering rack. Its accessible from above if you can bend forward far enough. In my case it was the second joint (hidden by the first one) and tightening it with a ratchet cured the problem.

Good luck!

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Thanks for your comments. I have learned a lot from this site as well, including the tidbit about the two u-joints on the steering column between the rack and the firewall. Good information, that. All the information about bushings as a contributor to steering play is helpful, too.


Today's topic is the play adjustment. Who's done it? From below the car?



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So I'm lying under the car, in the rain, trying to find the adjusting screew and the lock nut on the steering rack. I have a flashlight to help me spot the bugger. All I find is a bolt head going into the rack opposite where the steering column enters. I don't see any kind of lock nut, just the head of a bolt.


Anyone been down this road before? I am ready for your input.


It's a 95 Legacy Outback Wagon.

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Legacy777, do you think I'm putting something at risk here?

You didn't ask me, but that won't stop me! I'd make sure everything eles is good, ball joints, tie rod ends, wheel bearings, sway bar links, shocks, tires, before adjusting the rack for freeplay. I've replaced a few but never adjusted any. Leads me to think that they wear out before needing adjustment. Of couse that's a small number of racks so it's just a guess on part.

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Legacy777, do you think I'm putting something at risk here?


The reason I say that is because it looks like there's a lot involved with adjusting everything properly. You need specialized tools, dial indicators, etc. I don't know if you have all that equipment.....plus to properly adjust things, the rack needs to be removed. It doesn't sound like you're wanting to do that. You were just planning on adjusting the backlash in hopes of tightening up the steering.


If I misunderstood or jumped to that conclusion please let me know.

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Legacy777 - you understood correctly - I just want to tighten up the play that will have developed after so many years. I have done this on other cars and it was easy: Simply loosen the lock nut, gently tighten the slack adjustment until resistance is felt, then loosen just slightly, then lock the nut.


It would be easy to do if I could reach it on my rack. I can't see it from the top or the bottom, but I know it's there! If I can get to it with a wrench, I will try it.

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