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FIXED!! Trany delayed forward engagement

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I posted a couple of weeks back about owning a 99 Leggie OBW with AT trouble. It had the cursed delayed forward engagement. I drained the ATF, and refilled with Amsoil synthetic ATF, and a can of Trans-X AT slip-stop & leak fix. After 10 minutes of driving the car, the problem was fixed. I don't know if the Amsoil or the Trans-X, or the combination of both, but whatever, the problem is gone. The Trans-X is advertised to swell seals. The car now shifts promptly into Drive after shifting from Reverse when stopped. Before, I had to wait as long as 5 to 10 seconds for the car to shift into Drive mode, while slightly revving the engine. What a PITA that was. My wife was on my back big time to sell the car. I feel like I dodged buying a wy trany, if I kept the car......

Life is good. I am happy!!


Thanks to all, who offered advise!

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  Rooster2 said:
I posted a couple of weeks back about owning a 99 Leggie OBW with AT trouble. It had the cursed delayed forward engagement. I drained the ATF, and refilled with Amsoil synthetic ATF, and a can of Trans-X AT slip-stop & leak fix. After 10 minutes of driving the car, the problem was fixed. I don't know if the Amsoil or the Trans-X, or the combination of both, but whatever, the problem is gone. The Trans-X is advertised to swell seals. The car now shifts promptly into Drive after shifting from Reverse when stopped. Before, I had to wait as long as 5 to 10 seconds for the car to shift into Drive mode, while slightly revving the engine. What a PITA that was. My wife was on my back big time to sell the car. I feel like I dodged buying a wy trany, if I kept the car......

Life is good. I am happy!!


Thanks to all, who offered advise!

Great! Glad to see others who are willing to give the fluid/additive cocktail a shot. Bob

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has been about 3 weeks since adding Trans X and 5 quarts of Amsoil synthetic ATF. I also changed the external AT filter. So far so good, the trany performes flawlessly, with no issues. I would highly recommend this course of action to anyone with a 99 or 00 that is having trouble with trany delayed forward engagement.

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I've been running just the amsoil syn atf in an '00 outback since 96k now has 123k. It hasn't had the delayed engage issue (yet!). The trans-x might be helping out too, I used that in an old '88 lincoln when the trans started to act funny and it did help for a while.

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  • 3 months later...

I also own a 99 Legacy Outback with a multi-year history of AT slipping in low gear. I finally fixed it :banana: (at least for now!) Below is a brief history of my problem and solution (thanks to Rooster2):


* 3 years ago...transmission slips in low gear every so often...not a big problem

* 2.5 year ago...changed transmission fluid (didn't fix problem...but doesn't get much worse either)

* 6 months ago....slipping is more often and lasts longer, so I added Lucas slip and leak stop and change transmission filter (doesn't fix the problem).

* last 6 months...problem gets worse and slips all the time

* 2 weeks ago...drain a quart of AT fluid and add Trans-X. (I now have a mixture of AT fluid, Lucas and Trans-X). Slipping has entirely gone away! :clap: I'm shocked...This was my last attempt at fixing this problem before going to an AT shop for an expensive repair/replacement. I'm convinced that the Trans-X fixed it.


I will come back to this website if the problem returns and report back. But, in the meantime, I am a very happy camper!!


I've been reading this website for a while and thank everyone for taking the time to add you advice and experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you happen to know off the top of your head how many quarts of oil these transmissions hold? I am having the same problem you were, I am at the point of rebuilding the transmission however if I can get by for another 6 months this way I would much rather go that route.

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  maxxheadroom said:
Do you happen to know off the top of your head how many quarts of oil these transmissions hold? I am having the same problem you were, I am at the point of rebuilding the transmission however if I can get by for another 6 months this way I would much rather go that route.


About 3.5 qts.

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  screwbaru2 said:
About 3.5 qts.

wait a minute, when you pull the plug and drain the trans you get about 3.5 qts, but the trans holds more, almost 3 times more for the 2.5L trans. check your manual, or do a search .


there was a post listing the correct amounts just last week.



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  johnceggleston said:
wait a minute, when you pull the plug and drain the trans you get about 3.5 qts, but the trans holds more, almost 3 times more for the 2.5L trans. check your manual, or do a search .


there was a post listing the correct amounts just last week.




I disagree if a 3.5 quart drain figure amount if it is listed in the car manual posting. I think the figure is wrong if we are comparing same Subie year and model. I have drained both my 98 and 99 Subie Leggie OBWagons. Upon refill, it takes about 4 quarts plus one pint. I then check fluid level with engine well warmed up, and engine running. With this method, the fluid level reaches the full mark on the stick. The drain method only drains about half of the trany's ATF capacity. The other half remains in the torque converter.


BTW, it is now 7 months, and about 5K miles since I first posted the "FIXED!! Trany delayed forward engament" message. The problem continues to remain FIXED. I couldn't be happier with how my trany is performing.

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  Rooster2 said:
It has been about 6 months now since I posted the original "FIXED!!," so far so good. Trany continues to operate normally. I continue to sing the praise of Amsoil syn ATF and a can of Trans X.


Any idea where i could order it for shipment to Brazil (the Trans.X) ?

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  Rooster2 said:
Amsoil is headquartered in Minnesota, USA. Do a google search on Amsoil. Also, a google search for Trans X to find a distributor or retailer near you.


Ams oil is not the problem , but where to find and order the miracolous "Trans-X AT slip-stop & leak fix" ?


Google did not work for me .

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  Hendrik said:
Ams oil is not the problem , but where to find and order the miracolous "Trans-X AT slip-stop & leak fix" ?


Google did not work for me .



Yea, I looked around on Google for Trans-X. I found only testimonials by people that have used it. I will swing by an Autozone store, where I bought it, and report back who manufacturers the product.

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  Hendrik said:
Ams oil is not the problem , but where to find and order the miracolous "Trans-X AT slip-stop & leak fix" ?


Google did not work for me .


I agree, where does one find Trans-x. I live in NC with the traditional Advance and autozone.

Any help as to where one in NC finds Trans-x?

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  porcupine73 said:
It's was made by K&W which was bought by CRC about 10 years ago.



Looks like parts america carries it.




Yes, I just went to Autozone, and bought a can of Trans-X Automatic Transmisson Slip-stop & Leak Fix to keep on my parts shelf, and also to report contact info here. However, Porcupine 73 scouped me, by reporting here first. Here is some additional info......the Trans-X part number for the can is: 402015, for the 15 oz can. This is the size can that you would want to purchase to add to your Subies tranny.


I also checked out CRC industries website (as listed above), who manufacturers Trans-X. IMO, their website is about worthless. The website says very little about Trans-X, or where to purchase the product world wide. However, Parts America (website listed above) should be able to ship you Trans-X world wide. I hope all this helps!

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  Rooster2 said:

I also checked out CRC industries website (as listed above), who manufacturers Trans-X. IMO, their website is about worthless. The website says very little about Trans-X, or where to purchase the product world wide. However, Parts America (website listed above) should be able to ship you Trans-X world wide. I hope all this helps!


Parts America ships to everywhere in the USA , not to Brazil.....On their site the real product we where talking about is not mentioned...

Auto zone also is an domestic affair. Nobody on the site is interested to be a middle-man , also for more real parts in the future ?

My Impreza is the only Subaru in about 2000 miles from the next dealer...

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  Hendrik said:
Parts America ships to everywhere in the USA , not to Brazil.....On their site the real product we where talking about is not mentioned...

Auto zone also is an domestic affair. Nobody on the site is interested to be a middle-man , also for more real parts in the future ?

My Impreza is the only Subaru in about 2000 miles from the next dealer...




Suggest contacting Trans-X manufacturer at: custserv.crc@crcindustries.com to see if they have a Brazilian sales network. If not contact me at: Fish6525@yahoo.com. Maybe I can help. (Rooster2)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I am Rooster2, the guy who wrote the original thread. After 8 months, my trany continues to perform well with the Trans X additive to the automatic tranny.


About 3 weeks ago, a friend of mine who ownes a 99 OBW was have the same trany delayed forward engagement problem. His was much worse then mine. He was having a terrible time trying to get his trany to engage into Drive mode from Park mode. I drained his trany of ATF, added the Trans X and new ATF, and he says his trany has worked perfectly ever since.


Suggest draining and refilling with new ATF several times if your existing ATF is really dark and dirty, then on the last fill, add the Trans X. Further suggest adding really good ATF, as in synthetic ATF for best results.

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