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Need some help... one cylinder low compression

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So as some of you know, I traded in my old coupe for an El Camino. The coupe was on it's way out, the suspension was shot, the engine started making horrible noise, the AC quit on me, and the transmission was on the brink of grenading :dead: Well, just my luck, the El Camino's pretty much in the same boat too. And it's literally a boat!


So earlier this week, I was driving down the street and I saw a EA82 GL sedan, 3AT SPFI, 190K. It's parked at a dealer's lot, and they want $200. They just told me it didnt run, and they just planned on selling it to a wholesaler.


I was able to tinker around with the car for a bit, we hooked up a battery to it, and attempted to start it. It makes a whirring noise, even a few seconds after turning the key off. I think it's the starter, but I'm not sure. It's a fast whirring noise, sounds kinda like an electric motor. Timing belt maybe? Can't be too hard to get it running I'd assume.


Also, there's a fair bit of black crap in the coolant (didnt LOOK like oil) and also when I popped the oil cap, there was slight condensation, but the oil itself looked fine.


Not to mention someone drained the diff fluid and filled the ATF twice :lol: But wow, the ATF doesnt reek of gear oil. It surprised me... I can get a 5 speed wagon that can't be titled for $300... so either way, I'll have spare parts. (I'm in Arizona, I take what I can get)


What do you guys think? I really need to get out of this car payment on the El Camino, and need something that gets a TAD better than 15MPG.

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Remember how much you hated the AT in your 3 door?? Why do you think this is going to be any better? Just hang in there until a running driving one..without as many issues comes along..we all know they do. There is always the "it could just be this" thing...but because its not running there could be many more things wrong..and you could end up dumping more money ito it then you can really afford.

Just my cent and a half:grin:

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Remember how much you hated the AT in your 3 door?? Why do you think this is going to be any better? Just hang in there until a running driving one..without as many issues comes along..we all know they do. There is always the "it could just be this" thing...but because its not running there could be many more things wrong..and you could end up dumping more money ito it then you can really afford.

Just my cent and a half:grin:


Why is it better? 25MPG versus 15MPG. Also, like I said, I have a 5 speed donor in the works, once I get it. What EA82 Subaru doesnt have an issue from time to time? I got a well maintained coupe with 93K, and look what happened to it.


I'm in the sticks of the desert, Soobs don't come around much in these parts.


And either way I'm sinking money somewhere, whether it be the El Camino or the Soob.... PLUS I'm paying payments on the El Camino. :-\

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I am not compairing this sedan to the ElCamo.. I was compairing it to your 3 door. What I am saying is..if you are panning this for a DD..maybe just hang in there for alittle while longer.Besides it not running..how do you know the tranny isnt toast? Or some electrical nightmare isnt going on somewhere. I know you are trying to find something better with better gas mileage..But dont get too anxious. If this was going to be for a project and not a DD right away I would say jump on it..But between the 2 cars ..there's $500 .then there is the other items that you know you should do ..Timing belts etc. then your labor..Its gonna add up quick to..coulda bought something better.. ( I hope you know I have been in your same shoes not to long ago ..I know exactly what you are feeling..I am only saying this cause I care)

Have you even thought about looking for something New gen ..like a Gen 1 lego..they can be had on the cheap.

Just dont want to see you jump into something and regret it thats all

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I can't afford to get another car of a higher value. Never really have been able to, not at the moment anyway. $200 will sink me for a couple weeks.


I'd rather have the EA82 because I'm familiar with it, it'll bring me good MPG once I get the thing running and running right... the tranny could be toast, sure... but there's no telling whether my current car will blow or not either.


Plus, if I only drove to work and back for two weeks on the 3AT... and managed the $300 somehow... I'd have a 5 speed within 120 miles.


I know you care, and I appreciate it :) I just don't want to end up paying the car payment I have... having the thing blow up or something... and then be out of a car period. My EA82's have never seen more than three days downtime, except when I got a small punch wedged into the axle roll pin :lol:

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take the el camino to a dry cleaner and have them shrink it... then you will get a brat.:grin:


But seriously. It's kinda up to you.


Sounds like that are both potential money pits.


On a different note, what part of AZ are at now?


I might be traveling there sometime soon with Crabman to pick up a motor. Might be able to transport some parts to you.


Let me know what you need and what you can afford.



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Im going to side with Connie on this one and say that you dont want to be going from one money pit to another. There could be many things wrong with the subaru that you dont know about. What is so wrong with the elcamino? They should be very easy and cheap to get parts for. Since you already have it i would fix it up and if its left a bad taste in your mouth, find out what you can get for it and sell it and use that money to buy a better car. If i remember right from another post you payed a little over a grand for it. Wait till you have that money back then find something that isnt a 200 dollar non runner. Ive been there many times myself and talked myself out of it cause i didnt want another headache. Just trying to save you from more headaches too.

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Good ole Bullheadcity. I used to live in golden valley az. at that time only the riverside was in laughlin. I had to go to bhc twice a week. Hottest place ive ever been. He is right there ain't nothing near. Even Kingman didn't have much. I used to go to Victorville ca. to get parts.

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Good ole Bullheadcity. I used to live in golden valley az. at that time only the riverside was in laughlin. I had to go to bhc twice a week. Hottest place ive ever been. He is right there ain't nothing near. Even Kingman didn't have much. I used to go to Victorville ca. to get parts.


Kingman has a lot of resources now, but not nearly as much as Victorville does.


Yeah, it's pretty lame out here.

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Get a nice 10 speed? That only really works if you dont have a big commute. I think this summer im going to riding a bike alot more cause of gas prices.


If it were in the wintertime, I'd say yeah. I don't know how well I'd fair in my work uniform riding a bike in 125 degree heat :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I bumped up my own thread. :headbang:


The sedan is home. It's a 87 GL SPFI 3AT with power windows, locks, mirrors, the whole shebang minus the sunroof. Even has the cool luggage rack on the trunk which looks NICE! I know the TTIWWOP deal... I'm working on that.


But... she's got a blown head gasket, most definately. Not to mention a few other things, I thought EA82 steering racks were supposedly pretty tough, well.... after my coupe having a blown rack, so does the sedan. But for $200, and in AZ, who can complain?


So anyways, I've been searching about head and the head gasket information... and one thread I read that the heads do NOT have to be milled on the NA variation, and I can just switch head gaskets? Fill me in here... I've DONE head gaskets before, but I did them on a motor that I kind of put together with no idea whether it'd hold or not.


I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions, so I'll just use this thread.

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Argh, passenger side head dropped a valve seat :eek: The piston got dinged, but not too bad. Should I be overly worried about a tiny rough spot when I rub the cylinder wall? What all should I be looking for before I start shelling out money? I should take pictures of the carnage, I'll try to ASAP.


Guess I've gotta start looking for heads... or get mine fixed, but it has the usual cracks in between the valves...

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Argh, passenger side head dropped a valve seat :eek: The piston got dinged, but not too bad. Should I be overly worried about a tiny rough spot when I rub the cylinder wall? What all should I be looking for before I start shelling out money? I should take pictures of the carnage, I'll try to ASAP.


Guess I've gotta start looking for heads... or get mine fixed, but it has the usual cracks in between the valves...



That's a bummer.


But N\no biggy.


Considering you're finances, I don't think reususing the block would be bad. Get a used head. Check both heads for true surfaces. They Might not need milled, but they have to be checked. These motors are tough, she'll run great.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Reusing my old thread.


I saw a wagon nearby for sale ($300 with no title, SPFI 5-spd) and asked if I could do a compression check on it, to see if the motor is any good.


#1 was 125psi, #2 was 50psi :eek: #3 was 130psi, and #4 was 125psi.


The wagon has supposedly sat for three years, without running.


Is this motor usable? If not, I'm going to part out and eventually junk the sedan, and get another vehicle... there's no Subarus around here otherwise.


And the original block in the sedan has blown rings :eek: Oil seeping all over the cylinder walls... Argh.

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hey. get me a list of parts that you might need and how much you are willing to spend. I will be going to Phoenix on the weekend on July the 24th. I can swing by and drop off some stuff for you. I might even be able to get you an EJ18 w/ECU and harness for less than $100.00.


spend another $400 or so for the adapter plate, and the exhaust headers and other misc stuff and you have a good working EA car. Ohh and you will have to get the harness stripped but we can talk about that one.



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