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Loyale axle fit GL?


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might need to know if your GL is a hatch or wagon.


axle compatability goes with the engine:

EA81 = EA81




his loyale will be an EA82. i'm not sure what your GL will be. GL hatches are EA81 and some year GL wagons are EA82.

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Yes, it will be the excact same axle for a Loyale. Assuming non-turbo.


technically......the rears are not the exact same. the '86 will have dual DOJ rear axles, and the loyale will have outer CVs. they're interchangeable, but not identical.......



and yea, wagons, coupes and sedans were all EA82s starting in '85.

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hatches and brats. yep. it's quite simple. only hard part is defining the difference between a coupe and a hatch.
fooey, just when i thought i had it figured out.


while we're clearing up my head - were there ever EA82 brats?

coupes and hatches have the same body?

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