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The Subie Has Landed

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My Fellow Suberites Everywhere, I send greetings.

Let the cyberspace record reflect that on this date, May 2, 2008, my 1990 Loyale made it to 238,000 miles - a moonshot. It was a soft landing and all systems are go. This is a car I paid $1500 for 140,000 trouble-free miles ago. Sure, I had a little bit to do with this achievement - I avoided crashing into anything - but the real credit goes to the Japanese engineers who designed such a simple, reliable, economical machine. The credit goes to them. Best wishes to all - whether you're making your way to the Moon, or, like me and my Subie, headed on to Mars which, at about 34.8 million miles, will likely take a while. I'll post again upon arrival.

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