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EA82 No idle when warm

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1988 GL 4X4 wagon with carbed EA82. When cold it idles fine at 750- 1000 rpms but when warm (running 5 minutes) it wont idle, period. Any one have any ideas? Sorry I'm not overly descriptive, I'm no good at describing things.

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1988 GL 4X4 wagon with carbed EA82. When cold it idles fine at 750- 1000 rpms but when warm (running 5 minutes) it wont idle, period. Any one have any ideas? Sorry I'm not overly descriptive, I'm no good at describing things.



Start by checking for vacuum leaks anywhere on or around the manifold and carb. Also check that the choke is releasing after it gets warmed up, it could be stuck and flooding out the carb.


Good Luck



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The choke has an fast idle cam that should cause it to idle around 1500 RPM when cold. Sounds like the idle speed screw is backed off too far, or there are vacuum leaks that is causing the idle to be too rough or too low once the fast idle cam pulls back when the choke warms.


The EA82 Hitachi carbs are notorious for having broken choke bi-metal springs. The hook on the end of the spring wears through and falls off rendering them inoperable.


There could be many other things at work here as well - there are several thermo-vacuum valves that control air supply to air metering ports on the carb body - if there were a leak in one of the valves, or a cracked/unhooked hose it would act similar.


At any rate there are definately problems with your carb adjustments as the idle when cold should be much higher than what you have.



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Yeah, I was mistaken on the carb idle when cold it was around 11-1200. Finally got time to fiddle around with it and got it to idle when warm, just very low (500rpms). I did notice a vacuum sound coming from the carb itself that wont go away but.... None of the vacuum hoses are disconnected and the only things I've played with since getting the car is the round thing on the passenger side of the carb itself and the "valve" that is attached to it (mine originally spun freely and my parts cars one did not, so I switched the 2. I don't think my idle screw is working any more as I can turn it both ways and it really doesn't do much:confused: . I'm no engine genius, let alone carb. But it is running now while warm so:headbang: . I'll be taking it up to my Subie friend tomorrow to tinker on it some more.

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I'm with GD on the vacuum leak theory. While the engine is idling, try spraying a little carb cleaner around various vacuum connections and hoses - with particular attention to the elephant trunk from your air filter to the intake. If you note a change in idle speed (up or down), you've found your leak.

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