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grinding noise

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Hey I have an 87 std hatch. and I noticed that when the car was cold, and I start it up, It makes a grinding noise. I thought it was the throw out bearing because it goes away if I hold the clutch in, but when I release the clutch it starts again, and It only does this until it warm up then nothing. So I pulled the motor and tranny and put in a new rebuilt tranny just to be safe because my old one was hard sticky shift. So i bought a new tranny and a throw out bearing, The clutch has lke 50 percent left on it. ( io forgot to mention that the clutch slips bad too. so I replaced everything throwout and ttranny. And what do you know right when I started it up It started again, Anyone know what this is??????? I need to drive my soob gas is so expensive lol

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Hey I have an 87 std hatch. and I noticed that when the car was cold, and I start it up, It makes a grinding noise. I thought it was the throw out bearing because it goes away if I hold the clutch in, but when I release the clutch it starts again, and It only does this until it warm up then nothing. So I pulled the motor and tranny and put in a new rebuilt tranny just to be safe because my old one was hard sticky shift. So i bought a new tranny and a throw out bearing, The clutch has lke 50 percent left on it. ( io forgot to mention that the clutch slips bad too. so I replaced everything throwout and ttranny. And what do you know right when I started it up It started again, Anyone know what this is??????? I need to drive my soob gas is so expensive lol


Also... where does one get a new/rebuilt tranny - I called CSR the other day and they are no longer doing transmissions....



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