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Saving my transmission

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I read in a thread here which I can't find now about some additive that will help ressurect a dying tranny..anybody know of the stuff? I've got a lot of noise in my transmission, it'll need to be replaced before long, but I wonder if I can get some more life out of it. Thanks!

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This might stir up a bit of dust again, but Uncle Scotty's Cocktail is what you are asking about.


1 part Redline Lightweight shock proof

1 part Penzoil Synchromesh

2 parts Castol Hypoy C.


Add all three, mix and stir at 4000 RPM. :-p


and get great shifting.


BTW if you can't find the redline I have a quart for $13.00 plus shipping.



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This might stir up a bit of dust again' date=' but Uncle Scotty's Cocktail is what you are asking about.


1 part Redline Lightweight shock proof

1 part Penzoil Synchromesh

2 parts Castol Hypoy C.


Add all three, mix and stir at 4000 RPM. :-p


and get great shifting.


BTW if you can't find the redline I have a quart for $13.00 plus shipping.




By part, what are the quantities? Or the total quantity added?



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Found it.


1 qt Redline Lightweight Shockproof

1qt Pennzoil Synchromesh

2qt Castrol HypoyC 80w90


So I just drain a little fluid out and add this?


The FSM says a 4WD/DR transaxle contains 3.2 qts so I assume you need to dump out your old fluid, add this and run it a while.. Then flush the cocktail and re-fill with whatever you intend to keep in their longtime.


I'm using Royal Purple synthetic 75/90.


(Unless this concoction is designed to be run as a replacement for your regular oil????)



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Found it.


1 qt Redline Lightweight Shockproof

1qt Pennzoil Synchromesh

2qt Castrol HypoyC 80w90


So I just drain a little fluid out and add this?


drain it all out and add this you are suppose to top it off with hypoyC so you may not need a whole 2 quarts.

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You don't EVER drain Scotty's. You leave it in there for good.


If you want something to flush and drain out use straight Dexron ATF.




Once you go Black, you won't go Back :)


Makes sense in a similar manner to making the Synthetic engine oil switch.


I know you're not supposed to use regular oil once you've run synthetic....



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I know you're not supposed to use regular oil once you've run synthetic....


Doesn't hurt anything really. It's switching to synth on older engines that usually results in leaks. But switching in and of itself is perfectly safe provided you can keep the oil INSIDE the engine.



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Yeah, I'd love to see what would happen if I suddenly switched to synthetic on my '83 toyota pickup. I'd probably start spraying oil onto the road.


If beckoned on will, that could come in handy as a little James Bond addition to your weapon inventory :)



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Hmmm...so I need some kind of "injector" hooked up to my transmission or engine, and when I'm being chased, it injects synthetic oil in. Of course just having a switch that drained my oil would do the same thing...:grin:

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