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Carfax - Volvo Cross Country or Outback Limited, Which to buy?

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Hello Everyone,


It's been about 7 months since I wrecked my Subaru and I am finally in the position to look for another one. I have been looking at two options, I found a 2002 Outback Limited with a little over 100k for $8995. I like the styling, but know that the head gaskets usually create a problem. With that in mind, I looked a 2002 Volvo v70xc Cross Country with 96k for $8995. It is super nice and the interior build quaility is high. So being torn, I am looking for your input. Any recommendations? Also, if anyone has a carfax account, it would be a super help if you could run the VIN's


Volvo - YV1SZ58DX11011130

Subaru - 4S3BH686327601927


Thanks guys!

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take a look at this.....
i believe there is a volvo or 2 in there.....


We had a 2000 Legacy (that I 'Outbacked'), and we never had a HG problem. THe car was killed by a Grand Cherokee at about 180,000 miles. We replaced it with a new Subaru (well, a 24,000 mile 2006 Outback, bought from my next-door-neighbor who bought it new ... so since I've known the car since it came from the sealer ...)


Personally I wouldn't buy the Volvo, if it ever needs dealer work you'll have to take out a home loan.


For as long as we need winter cars we'll drive only Subarus.

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I've bought and sold both. Yes Volvo seems to have used the same enines forever similar to Subaru.


However very expensive and hard to obtain parts. Don't forget Volvo has been sold a few times in the last 10 years IIR. Ford bought them and recently sold them. Sounds like the future parts challange may be worse.


You Don't want to replace a Volvo turbo either.


I've had troubles reading the Volvo CEL's as well.


Price some parts and labor on the Volvo and investigate the limited places that can do a good job of working on a Volvo. The Volvo places charge plenty but often seem lacking in actual ability.


I'd stick with the Subaru.



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