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EA81 into EJ car?


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Yeah yeah I know...... why would anyone do that? I don't have a Subaru right now so that's the best I could come up with. So does anyone have or know of a 1990+ Subaru that has a working EA81 under the hood? I really don't care what model my next Soob is as long as it's got an EA81, just pondering my options. Kinda seems like it might actually be easier to "downgrade" to a small, computerless pushrod engine.

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I'm quite certain it could be done. but, as mentioned, EJ series cars are MUUUUUCH heavier. and, you'd have to use an EA trans, which means custom driveshaft, linkage, FWD imp axles, etc.


the EA81 is a great engine, but I really don't think it'd be worth the effort.

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