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subes & EMP

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Just wondering if anyone knows how to emp proof an ea82 sube? I understand the principal and am in the process of emp proofing solar, generators, ect. seems to me a car body is a faraday box just needs to be grounded good ??? any comments would be helpful. Thanks JOE:headbang:

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I can has EMP proof car:clap:


My '74 Pinto will be putt putting along after the Ruskies drop the big one on us :headbang:


The only solid state electronics on it are the alternator diodes, and the stereo. Everything else is points, and relays.


Unless its dropped right on top of you :-p

Then again, you live in the middle of No Where, USA, so theres not much worry of that happening ;)


Hey, I see you have Wall-e as your avatar. I was just wondering if Wallmart is going to use him as thier new Mascot :lol:

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get a brass mesh screen and cover your entire garage in it, basically making a brass cage. should help you out if your at home when things go down. but it might not be as easy to do with the car itself. i guess you could cover the car, but i think you would have to keep the mesh suspended at least an inch from the body of the car.


at least, i tihnk thats how its done. but there might be more needed to complete the emp protection.


either that, or keep a spare set of the electrical componenets in a protected box somewhere to swap out after everything else is fried.

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im picturing a Road Warrior type setting with a lone subaru right now:headbang:

if i was doing this i would also throw on some metal bars and mesh over the windows for zombie defense cause you know they're next in line


I was picturing a Kevin Costner "Postman" kind of thing.


This has to be one of the top ten random questions I have ever seen asked on the USMB. The car tires are your excellent grounding source, but I guess you knew that. What made you think of this?

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I was picturing a Kevin Costner "Postman" kind of thing.


This has to be one of the top ten random questions I have ever seen asked on the USMB. The car tires are your excellent grounding source, but I guess you knew that. What made you think of this?


I believe there is a very good possibility of a strike on the US, in the near future, most likley the coasts. I'am inland but emp could still reach here.

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im picturing a Road Warrior type setting with a lone subaru right now:headbang:

if i was doing this i would also throw on some metal bars and mesh over the windows for zombie defense cause you know they're next in line




great, you had to mention zombies, http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1422511



i just got over that obsession, lol



just make sure you keep a machete and only used silenced firearms if facing zombies.




but back to the point, the thought of emp scares me. id hate to loose access to the usmb. id be feinding by the end of the first day. that and i need my music collection, most of which is on my pc.

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great, you had to mention zombies, http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1422511



i just got over that obsession, lol



just make sure you keep a machete and only used silenced firearms if facing zombies.


:lol: ROFL! :lol:


Man, some of those posts from NASIOC are straight hilarious! And I love the comment about silenced weapons. Priceless! Now you're talking my language.


If there is about to be some kind of attack on the U.S. by the Ruskies, I'd be one of the first to know, considering my location and all.:grin: We all can rest assured that the Chinese aren't going to be doing anything in the near future. They have their hands full with Earthquakes, Aftershocks, and Lead-based paint for goodness sake.



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:lol: ROFL! :lol:


Man, some of those posts from NASIOC are straight hilarious! And I love the comment about silenced weapons. Priceless! Now you're talking my language.


If there is about to be some kind of attack on the U.S. by the Ruskies, I'd be one of the first to know, considering my location and all.:grin: We all can rest assured that the Chinese aren't going to be doing anything in the near future. They have their hands full with Earthquakes, Aftershocks, and Lead-based paint for goodness sake.




Yeah, but they are crazy enough to blame it on us. It will give them a reason to push the button :-\

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Unless its dropped right on top of you :-p

Then again, you live in the middle of No Where, USA, so theres not much worry of that happening ;)


Isn't the middle of No Where, the place we keep our nukes? Wouldn't our nukes be amoung their first tagets?

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Isn't the middle of No Where, the place we keep our nukes? Wouldn't our nukes be amoung their first tagets?


You have a point.

But in Crazyhorses case, theres nothing there of any worth.

Not even nukes (as far as I know) :-p


Sorry Paul ;)


Oh, and our nukes wouldnt be the first targets. Air bases and the like would be. Then larger industrial areas.

The nukes are in hardened bunkers.

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you know that they would be the ones starting what ever we are going to be facing, whether it be nukes or hoards of zombies, everything comes from china.



Yeah, but they are crazy enough to blame it on us. It will give them a reason to push the button :-\
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a quick google search turned up a lot of interesting discussion on the topic...


most people agree that keeping a points distributor to replace electronic ignition is your best bet...


although quite a few people argue whether a car will even be effected by EMP, especially when it's not powered on...


but it's not a bad idea to be ready, at least in a not super-paranoid way... I mean, north korea has been trying to get our attention for a while now... and they're pretty close to me...




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I think I big Ham Radio antenna, No not the mobile ones, I mean one of the old school ones, before they limited the height, and have that going straight to ground.


except that a lot of people say that will just draw the EMP pulse towards you and make you even more susceptible to it... *shrug* they say it won't be good if you're near a lot of power lines or radio towers...




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My 360 would run after an EMP. No electronics in it at all.


But I'd be screwed anyway, I'm close enough to NYC and Philly to be downwind of any radiation. We'd die a slow death from radiation poisoning here instead of going fast like the people in the big cities.


The ruggedized military laptops have titanium cases, not sure how that helps, but must be for a reason.

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my car would keep going, now that its out of 4wd it will coast untill my nano circuits rebuild themselves... anyways, seriously, if a strike did occur, do you think you want to be relying your subie to keep you alive? i mean come on, lets protect our refers, I like food, even more than my blueroo. and video games, and... and...

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You have a point.

But in Crazyhorses case, theres nothing there of any worth.

Not even nukes (as far as I know) :-p


Sorry Paul ;)


Oh, and our nukes wouldnt be the first targets. Air bases and the like would be. Then larger industrial areas.

The nukes are in hardened bunkers.


Nope no nukes, just the Oak Ridge Uranium enrichment plant to the west, in Knoxville (sorta) Holston Defense Army Ammunition plant, and storage bunker in Bristol (sorta). Lest I forget Nuclear Fuel Services just down the road, where they make the fuel rods for submarines!

Something tells me I'll do a good impression of a burnt matchstick


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so first there is an emp strike.That destroys the security grids that hold the nana/t virus in containment=zombie outbreak.


After that I would like My truck to have steel bars reenforcing the windows and everything.Then I would go zombie smashing with my 6000LBS+ diesel truck.If I had a big enough fuel cell I could do that for a while.then after I run out of diesel retreet to high ground with 4000 rounds for my .308 hunting rifle.After I run out of ammo I shall use a katana!



hmmm,if gun shots are a dinner bell to zombies than what is the sound of a 5.9L cummins turbo diesel haulin some serious ***?

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so first there is an emp strike.That destroys the security grids that hold the nana/t virus in containment=zombie outbreak.


After that I would like My truck to have steel bars reenforcing the windows and everything.Then I would go zombie smashing with my 6000LBS+ diesel truck.If I had a big enough fuel cell I could do that for a while.then after I run out of diesel retreet to high ground with 4000 rounds for my .308 hunting rifle.After I run out of ammo I shall use a katana!



hmmm,if gun shots are a dinner bell to zombies than what is the sound of a 5.9L cummins turbo diesel haulin some serious ***?

after the katana breaks, resort to chuck norris roundhouses, and death stares!

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