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Knock Sensor Swap Question


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Whats up Subaru Freaks!


Ok, my buddy bought a 98 impreza 2.5rs. Little did we know that the CEL would lite after the transaction was complete. Anywho, I pulled the codes and it said "Knock Sensor 1" & "Catalyst Efficiency below threshold". So I went searching for a new knock sensor. I found one at the junk yard on a crashed Legacy 2.2 around the same model year, so probably good, hopefully! The Knock sensor part number from the 2.5RS is 22060AA061 the one on the Legacy is 22060AA070. The only real difference in these sensors looks like the wiring (the 061 has the wire attached to the sensor and the 070's wire disconnects at the base of the sensor and extends to the same white connection as the 061).


*The end connectors are the same

*The size of the sensors are the same

*The Ohms both read at about .560K Ohms but when I lightly tap on the -----070 KS the DMM jumps faster and more accuratly then the 061.


So my Question to you GURU's is... Can I swap between these 2 sensors?


I cant find any reason preventing me from doing so.


Thank you for your input.

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Well I swapped them and went to Advance Auto Parts to get the CEL codes removed. I have drove it about 30 miles and still no CEL!:banana:


So It looks like it worked!


Thanks 360! I figured it would work but wanted to check first. COOL!

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