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Ignition problem... 83 ea81T

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Get a test light, and ground one side to the block, and check the leads. One should have voltage to it, the other MIGHT with the engine off, but with the engine running, the negative side of the coil should cause the light to pulsate diring cranking/running. If it does not pulsate, the problem is probably in your distributor. If it does pulsate, and the coil is not producing any voltage, it's bad. If teh coil is putting out juice, but you aren't getting anything to your plugs, check your cap, rotor, and plug wires. To check the coil, stick a screwdriver in the big fat terminal on top of the coil (the one in the middle) and posistion it so that it comes close to something metal in the engine compartment, and have someone crank it over, you should see and hear a spark. If that works, plug the coil wire in, and then position the other end of the coil wire near the block, and have a buddy crank it over, should also see and hear a spark. If you don't, replace your coil wire. If you do, do the same with the plug wires, if you don't get spark from any of them, replace the cap and rotor.

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