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Driveline disconnect project....ever been done?

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ea82 86 gl 4inch lift 28 inch tires, 5spd d/r


I have a hard time starting out in 1st gear due to larger tires. I was wondering if anyone has ever installed a disconnect on the rear driveline and left the tranny in 4low for some extra umph......Would love to have the power to not kill it at each stop light on an incline. :-\



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If you are feeling creative, you could fit 2 levers in place of the current one.


Have one for 4wd and the other for hi/lo range.


If you look at your gearbox, there are 2 selectors that the 4wd lever connects to. If you seperate them, you should be able to have indipendent selection

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have a vacuum servo to engage the 4wd via a switch.


Unnecessarily complicated. The dual lever setup would work more reliably, with no chance of leaking vaccuum lines. There's a reason that only the Europeans are still using vaccuum for everything. Even Lincoln gave up on it years ago! :lol:

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