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Drive Shaft Removal Question???

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Getting ready for the engine/trans pull. I'm at the point of sliding the front drive shafts off the splines on the trans. Is there any way possible to do this without having to take apart the hub assembly to allow more room for clearance? There's almost enough room to slide it right off the trans splines after tapping out the pin, but not quite enough. I'm being lazy, I guess, but I prefer not to take apart the hub assemblies if I don't have to...Any secrets? :confused:

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um, no secrets you just have to make it work. it's REALLY tight but they can come off. but it's a pain. and since it's tight i can't promise every vehicle, config, and option is actually possible but the ones i've done are. i've done automatic impreza's and XT6's this way before. i think i've done a second generation legacy....not sure though.


you'll have to unbolt the engine trans so it can swing around and give you movement to either side to get them off. they'll get tighter as you create that room though...but they can come off.


it's really easy to just rotate the hub without actually disassembling anything, that's the way to go. unbolt the top strut mount bolt and loosen the bottom. that's it - loosen one, remove one and you're done. this will allow you to pull the shaft right off the transmission. just make sure you mark the top bolt prior to turning it - it adjusts the alignment. just knock a mark in it with a chisel - getting it marked on the bolt head and then the strut flange so you can install that one bolt the exact same way.


that's the easiest way to do it, makes it a breeze. it'll be harder to get it back on than off too...might as well just do it now.

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