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Frustrated New Outback 2000 Owner

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We bought our wonderful Outback last July and have LOVED it up until a few months ago. It has a little over 100K miles. We got it from a dealership and it only had one owner. No service records, but knew it needed the 90k service.


I found a local non-dealer mechanic who was referred by another subaru owner. We had the service done. A bit after picking it up I started to notice a whine. I thought it was the belt needing tightening. I took it back, he checked the belts... they were fine. I had him drive it. His conclusion was that the breaks needed replacing... apparently there is a break sensor that was rubbing the wheel's rotor. Hubby and I think that maybe when they checked the breaks that something got knocked loose. Regardless, we had all 4 pads replaced and he smoothed out the rotor.


A noise returned... as the days/weeks went on it continued to get louder. Finally I took it back. He drove it, etc. and said it was the bearings (still the driver's side). So he goes into replace those. Once in he says the hub is loose and it needs to be replaced (an EXPENSIVE part). So we got the driver's side hub and bearings replaced. That was a week ago.


Last night the driver's side started making noise again, but only when turning the steering wheel to the right.


We are very frustrated and have spent a lot of money. Any ideas as to what is wrong?

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can you give us more information on the noises? keep in mind we can not see, hear or drive the thing. that makes it VERY difficult to diagnose.


first and foremost - if you are positive the noise was never present and then only presented itself immediately after the first time he worked on the car...then something they did/looked at/worked on is the likely cause. if you have the bill - look it over and tell us everything they replaced or checked.


describe the noise as best you can - when, how, does it go away, how loud, screeching, grinding, all the time, some time, does it go away when you gently press the brakes? give us as much detail as possible. minor differences in description can point to different components.


is the noise you're hearing now, the same noise you heard before?

what is all the work and parts replaced since you've had it?


have the axles ever been replaced - the mechanic should be able to tell.

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I don't think axels have been replaced... but I'll ask.


At the first service he changed the timing and drive belts, changed the oil, flushed and refilled the cooling system and basically checked everything over.


At the second service he replaced and relined the front and back break pads and resurfaced the front and back rotors.


This time the statement says he replaced the left front wheel bearings and hub.


These are handwritten receipts, not a computer print out.


It sounds more like a high pitched whine/squeal. This time it is only when turning the wheel right. It's not as loud as it was before replacing the hub.


Nothing else has been done other than oil changes since we've had it.

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while sitting still but engine running turn the steering wheel lock to lock a few times (all the way left and all the way right). does it make the noise then?


or does it only do it when moving?


does it sound like it's coming from the engine bay or the wheel area?

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Your mechanic may be honest, he may be nice, he might be kind to stray dogs and small children, but how well does he know Subarus? That's the question I'm asking myself. He might be doing his best, but he's thrown at lot of shop time and expensive parts at the problem with no results.

Unless the Subaru dealer in your area has a horrible reputation I would take the car there. I live in SC. Our state isn't exactly Subaru central. Very few indie repair shops in SC are going to have in depth experiance with Subarus. It's a different situation in western NC with all the mountains, ice, and snow in that region.

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hmmm.....unless it is just a simple oil change, I always take my Subaru vehicles to the dealership for their service. In the last 9 years, I have taken my Subaru Outback to 3 dealerships (1 in Colorado and 2 in Oregon) for its service and I always get excellent service but these 2 states are Subaru central. My Legacy is brand new so it has not been to the dealership for its service, just for answers. They know more about these cars better than most people because work on Subaru cars day in and day out.


In terms of your Outback, I am sorry that you are having troubles with it.

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