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Source for front axle cone washers?

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I've read here that loose cone washers can cause front bearing and hub problems, so I plan on replacing them along with the other washers, and bearings and seals. I don't seem to be able to find them online though. Anybody have an online source and/or part number? Thanks.


'93 Loyale 2wd 3AT.


PS I already looked on the GenuineSubaruParts.com website. Either they're not listed or they call them something odd.

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i have a few good used ones around if you need.


Thank you for the offer Erik, but I'll probably order a couple new ones from the dealer Monday. I was just hoping to get an idea of what they sell for elsewhere... if there even is an elsewhere. I nearly got blindsided on an egr solenoid from the dealer the other day. Fortunately Rockauto.com had one listed for much cheaper. ;)

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use lots of good grease when you put it together.


my axle/hub nut kept backing off no matter how tight i got it and no matter how big a cotter pin i put in it.

turns out lack of grease was allowing the nut to turn with the wheel, causing it to back off.


hope it saves you some headache.


thanks, Bill

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use lots of good grease when you put it together.


my axle/hub nut kept backing off no matter how tight i got it and no matter how big a cotter pin i put in it.

turns out lack of grease was allowing the nut to turn with the wheel, causing it to back off.


hope it saves you some headache.


thanks, Bill


Thanks for that tip. An old salt told me once to use oil on something you want to easily take apart later, but use grease instead if you want it to stay tight.


I saw an old post here that says to make sure you get the spring washer between the nut and cone washer flipped the correct way. Painted side towards the cone? I haven't taken mine apart yet. I hope there's still paint on it. :)

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Thanks for that tip. An old salt told me once to use oil on something you want to easily take apart later, but use grease instead if you want it to stay tight.


I saw an old post here that says to make sure you get the spring washer between the nut and cone washer flipped the correct way. Painted side towards the cone? I haven't taken mine apart yet. I hope there's still paint on it. :)


(to clarify) my hub had been replaced and nothing was regreased on the inside side of the cone washer.

since i was thinking stripped hub nut or axle , not until i went to change rotors did i notice how dry that side was compared to the other side.

some good greasing and my year long fight with a constant loosening axle nut was over.


the cone washer direction is of course real obvious .


if you get a new axle nut & "spring" washer (packaged together and pretty inexpensive) the ones i got were stamped "out" on the correct side.


mines an '86 so i hope it applies to yours

thanks, Bill

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