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Gen 1 Gas mileage

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I do 80 miles on the highway everyday. I am getting around 24 or 25 in my '79 Brat. I'm a bit heavy footed, and also have to deal with a lot of stop and go LA traffic.


Jon, you mileage sounds excellent! What speed do you usually drive at?

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I usually stay between 65 and 75, but sometimes find myself @ around 80 MPH. I was thinking about rebuilding my carb, it has a hesitation. I think it needs the little pump thing, plus it leaks just a tiny bit of gas on top of the carb.



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My gas evaporates too quickly !!!


my '78 4WD wagon is getting around 25-28 but could be doing a lot better.


the '79 my sister inlaw is using is getting around the same,more towards 30mpg she says.


Both cars are mostly street slingers,no serious highway action lately for the vintage buggies.

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79 GF Hardtop 5 speed (FE trans) 26-28 City 32 Mixed 37-40 Highway (I occasionally nurse low 40s)


79 DL 2WD 5 speed S/W 26-28 City 30 Mixed 36 Highway


78 DL 2WD Automatic S/W (My city buggy) 25 City 28 Mixed 30 Highway maybe

(I have to stay under 60 mph/Revs too high. 3000 rpm at 58 mph)



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That's why I'm considering going to a 5spd 2WD for my Brat. I will NEVER drive it in the snow, and probably never really take it too far off road. I have only put it in 4WD 2 times (just to make sure it still works) but I'd love to get 40 MPG rather than 30. I think I had it on the trails behind my house once and heard a branch (very small twig) scrape down the side and about had a heart attack. My Brat has spent it's entire life in a garage, and it's way too nice to do any serious 4 wheeling in.



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The previous owner of my new brat said that with the original Hitachi carb, he would get 30+ MPG on the highway. After installing a weber carb, the mileage dropped off 5-7 MPG, but was easier to drive. This was going between Seattle and Pullman, Wash.


After installing a tonneau cover, he gained 1-3 MPG on average. I'll have to see what kind of mileage I can squeak out of it once it re-gains road worthyness.

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Yea, the automatic and 4WD Gen 1s don't do nearly as well as the 5 speeds on gas. I'm curious on how to convert a BRAT to a 5 speed. I guess the rear end can just hang there without the drive shaft? I know the exhaust and the trans mounts differ on the 2WDs.


Funny how the 4WDs and the AWDs are falling out of favor!



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I have nothing against 4WDs personally, I have owned many Subys with it and still own 2 AWDs.


The situation with gas and the future of these AWDs, is that they simply burn more gas and that costs more. The difference is profound! When you are faced with constant added costs for something that does not benefit you, but less than 5% of the time, you start to question it. Many areas in the USA never have the weather that warrants the use of 4WD, or AWD. Even those areas that HAVE weather, it's only occasional and most FWDs are perfectly capable of handling it.


Now if you off road, live on a hill that a mule would have difficulty getting to, then yes, this feature is needed. I like having options. I have some 2WD subys and 4WD Subys, so if I need 4WD, I can take that car. Oterwise, I minimize their use.


One of the reasons I won't buy a new Subaru is because all they offer is AWD. Subaru loses many customers beacuse of this. I know of many who have eliminated Subaru from their plans because of this. I hope and I'm almost sure that they are rethinking their product in light of the new world we are facing with oil.



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  waimaks said:
I am scared of taking the GSR to the snow next month, 4WD please!


lol that wouldnt stop me haha. i would prefer 4wd still. but i used to use my 1600 front wheel drive leone wagon on 4wd tracks, in the snow, towing heavy car trailers with cars on them thu mountain passes too :headbang:

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in my 73 1400 GSR i got 33MPG thats from auckland to chch over 1,077 km of driving. would had got better milage if i didnt get crap gas at 3 different service stations. and also got stuck in auckland traffic. and bad weather with heavy rain and strong wind

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