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I'm almost sitting on my bumpstops. 89" Wagon.

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I've searched and I havn't found anything so I'm gonna ask. The rear of EA82 Wagon sits at about 80% compression. That's all the time with pretty much no load. If I have my 190lb buddy sit on the rear bumper, it will ride on the rubber bumpstops, both sides. I'm not lookin for a lift, well I am, but not directly. Her's my question. Is there something somewhat commonly done or parts off a different car "stiffer springs" that'll keep it's ride height closer to 30-50ish% compression? or atleast half down/half up. 1 inch down & 4 inches up ain't cool anymore. Jackin that car up to change a tire takes forever!!!! I'm thinkin along the lines of a perfect fit 2inch tall round pipe above the lower spring plate and coil so It'll sit higher up on the shock. I'm open to what's already been done before I start experimenting. Or do I have a simple case of bad spring sag and I ned new ones?



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Get a set of 2wd rear struts. They are longer and will give you about an inch of height.


For more even moreheight, here's something I've done. When I swapped in the set of new 2wd struts, I used the old spring seats from the old struts as a spacer(flipped upsidedown) under the new spring seat.


It took the rear of my 85 sedan(EA82 sedans got WEAK springs) from saggy to stiff and tall.

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and get yourself some new springs while you're at it...


you should have a lot more travel... somebody must have carried a lot of cargo in there at some point and wore them out...




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