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My Legacy died while driving.

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I was almost home from a 110 mile drive today in my 97 legacy GT when the engine died while accelerating from a stop light and it won't start now. It cranks and sounds like it wants to catch but doesn't. I tested the fuel pump and it's working, I also checked all of the plug wires with my timing light and they all seem to be firing. It seems to me the fuel injection isn't working. The only thing strange I've noticed recently is the AT Oil Temp light sometimes flashes repetitively when I first start the car, I'm not sure what that means or if it's related.


What are the symptoms of the cam sensor failing?


Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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how long since the timing belt was changed??


the blinking (16 times) AT Oil Temp light at start up means there was an electrical malfuntion / failure in the auto trans the last time you drove the car. most likely in the transfer clutch duty c solenoid for sending power to the rear wheels. but it could be several other things as well.

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Actually the engine was swapped recently for one I bought that supposedly had only 6000 miles on it. Hard to verify the mileage but it did appear to be new and runs really strong. We inspected the timing belt before installing the engine and it's condition was consistant with a low mileage motor. I did have the timing belt (actually one of the pullys) go on me before and this didn't make that dreadful, this is going to be expensive noise, it just died.

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Actually the engine was swapped recently for one I bought that supposedly had only 6000 miles on it. Hard to verify the mileage but it did appear to be new and runs really strong. We inspected the timing belt before installing the engine and it's condition was consistant with a low mileage motor. I did have the timing belt (actually one of the pullys) go on me before and this didn't make that dreadful, this is going to be expensive noise, it just died.


You cant tell by looking at an TB if the timing belt is good. Start with the timing belt, make sure the car is still in time. Timing belts also suffer from age as well as mileage.


The biggest reason for a subaru to just die while accelerating is the timing belt.



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It wouldn't be sparking if the CAM sensor was bad.


Could be the Crank sensor though.



Good idea to pull the outer T-Belt covers and inspect the belt. Check that the timing is still aligned. But I'm guessing it's not he problem since you checked it out recently.

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