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temporary thing, but how cheap can you get a radiator and cooling fan that will fit my 93 loyale? i wrecked my loyale today by sliding into a ditch, and those seem to have gotten messed up, i'll post pics up for ya if you want... i just need something that will beable to stay with the car when i do the swap later on

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so the Awd made you drift straight 4 the ditch?




seriously though. some people use EJ stuff when they swap and others use EA stuff.


EJ radiator outlets and inlets are larger than EA and hoses are hard to make work when to mismatch engines to radiators... so either way will be rough on you now


or later...

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i'd say it depends on the certainty of this swap happening and time frame.


if it's boiling - then you'd be silly to not get the EJ radiator. used is a fine option too since there are tons of good ones still out there and that would be inexpensive.


if it's an idea, wish, sitting on the back burner and waiting for funds - i'd stick with the EA radiator and just get the car back on the road.

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an EA radiator works awesome for an EJ engine. the radiator is NOT weak point in the EA cooling system!!!!


performanceradiators.com, brand new, all metal one for less than $200 shipped.


So, if it's not the radiator, do you mind telling what is?

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So, if it's not the radiator, do you mind telling what is?


I'm not sure. water pump, coolant passages....the EJ22 is much more efficient at cooling itself. just cause it's bigger and puts out more power doesn't need it needs a bigger radiator.


The motor that was in my loyale used to overheat. I pulled that motor out for the EJ22, and dropped it into a different EA82 car with a new radiator, and the overheating problem went away. BUT, that radiator that couldn't keep the EA82 cool, worked just fine with the EJ22 for about a year until it started to leak.

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its the radiator, and the little electric cooling fan causing my car to over heat. when i went into the ditch, my front passenger side got pushed in a little bit, which i think sprung a leak in the radiator, and the cooling fan hits the radiator when running [really annoying noise when stopped, can't hear when driving] my best bet is i'm also out of cooling fluid cause it all turned into steamy smoke :dead: so my car is temporarly dead for a few hours in an Ace hardware parking lot


i've decided to go with a ej22 radiator, but what kind? [single, dual, turbo, non-turbo, ect]

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i pulled the fan out to see what it was catching on. there was nothing, so i put it back in, and it worked fine.

i added more cooling cause most of it evaporated today, and saw that it leaked, didn't know if it was cause i added a little too much or i've gotta crack in the radiator, or just a messed up hose.. but i'll see tomorrow

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Yes, if your radiator is damaged, it's the problem.


The point I was making, is that there's no point going to the trouble of putting an EJ radiator in there (not bolt in, FYI) unless you're planning on pushing 300awhp.


just get a quality EA82 replacement, and you'll be golden.

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