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EA-82 died on the highway

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Hi guys


My 2nd Subaru wagon (1991 GL wagon) died on the freeway today. Hopefully it won't have a similar history as the last one, a 1983 wagon that overheated as well.


I wasn't the driver and unfortunately it was raining at the time... the usual clacking of the lifters got louder until they were quite noisy, and then smoke/steam was visible coming from under the bonnet and possibly some from the exhaust as well.

Like all 'good' tragedies, the temperature gauge wasn't working at the time because I had just swapped in a new gauge cluster!


It was hard to find a safe place to pull over so I think the engine actually died before the car was stopped on the side of the freeway.


Looking into the radiator there's basically no coolant at all, although opening the drain hole resulted in a stream of coolant. I'm not sure exactly how much is left in there. Apparently it had sprayed everywhere around the engine bay too.


There's some oil leakage on the underside of the engine although I haven't worked out exactly where it's coming from.


Also, it almost looks like the belt cover on the same side as the oil filter is no longer seated correctly. I doesn't appear to line up properly against the metal surface and the rubber seal seems to be coming out perhaps.

It all looks fine from the front, but the rubber seal just doesn't look 'right' along the bottom edge of the cover.


There are spots of coolant all over the place but the oil looks pretty much the same as it did before this particular trip. There's no foaming, milkyness or anything.


This car was purchased only a month or so ago, and while it was checked over by a mechanic that deals in soobs, I have no concrete service records about the thermostat, timing belts, etc.

Next weekend I was actually going to change the oil and coolant to my preferred brands, along with a full flush, thermostat, etc.


Sorry for the long post, but I guess I'm interested to know what could have suddenly caused this overheating? and where the heck did all that coolant disappear too?


I guess it's possible the engine overheated, boiled all the coolant, and with it raining so hard it took so long to notice.


Is my next move going to be to just start tearing her apart?


I appreciate any help/suggestions.



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Another minor update... I tried adding some coolant and it appears to be coming out of both the sump and the battery-side belt cover.

I'm pretty sure coolant does not belong in either of these places... :D


Thanks for the reply GD.


I have the Gregories book, but no factory manual for this particular vehicle.

Getting so far into the engine - do you think a 'rebuild' and replacement of all parts involved would be best? how about dropping in a new engine?


Do you think I need to pull the engine, or could I work in the engine bay?


These are probably common question when someone blows their engine so I'll start checking the archives. Mind you I don't have any way to lift, nor support the engine.... yet ;)

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You *can* do headgaskets in the car - much easier out tho. There's not much room, and Subaru even had a special low profile socket just for removing heads....


You can another guy can pull the engine - lay a large beam (4x4 post about 6 feet long works well) across the engine bay, and chain it to the engine - when everything is disconnected, you and two friends should be able to guide it out of there. Installation is reverse.


Myself and one friend have lifted EA81's out of cars with nothing more than out bare hands - did it just this afternoon in fact....


Definately easier to drop in a new engine (good used one maybe), but probably not cheaper....



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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't sound good at all. Sounds like alot has happened. Timing belt and or headgastket, cracked block, No one will know for sure until you rip it apart. Probably cheaper and easier to find a good used engine, and do all maintenance before installing it. Good luck!

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Thanks for the kind words everyone. :)


I do check in on the AUSubaru site but wherever we be we all share similar vehicles...


Actually the compression checks out okay. It has 170,000km on the clock and would have been due for a new water pump, cam belts and seals, etc. anyway at 200,000km so I'm thinking I might just do that stuff.


To visually inspect for any cracks I understand I would have to pull it apart even further?

Otherwise, once the leak at the water pump is fixed (I think that's where she's leaking) I can get it pressure tested.

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if its leaking out the timing cover it could just be a bad water pump, give it a good once over, don't pull the engine unless you have to, if the pump got kinked the timing belts could be a good time to replace them, along with the front cam seals and an oil pump if it looks old. if you see a visible crack in the side of the block you may be able to jb weld it shut, they have great 2 part epoxys that will hold most anything together.

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It turns out the small right-angled hose above the water pump had literally exploded - there's the coolant leak! :(


I have filled it up with water again, removed the plugs, disabled the ignition and and turned the engine over - I didn't notice any water come out of the spark plug holes.


As mentioned, I tested the compression (cold) and it was OK.


There seems to be a fair amount of oil on the underside of the engine.

Both of the belt covers may be a bit melted - the two rear covers are not sitting flat against the engine.

Lastly, when I look in the number 1 spark plug hole and rotate the engine I can see 'something' in the hole. It looks kind of round with maybe a white circle/edging. It appears with each rotation of that cylinder then disappears again.

When I look through the other spark plug holes there is nothing that moves this close to the hole.


When I rotate the engine by hand (with a spanner) it is sometimes easy to turn, then gets harder, then easier, etc. - is this normal?


I am hoping someone may be able to offer some assistance on my next move?

I could put the A/C compressor, alternator, etc. all back in and attempt to drive it for a pressure test...

Or otherwise one of the other 'symptoms' may indicate this engine should probably be torn to bits or replaced?


Thanks in advance...


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