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Strut mount upgrades - another group buy

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I know I need them. And I'm sure most of you will need them if you don't already.


Urethane? I would even settle for rubber at this point.


Can we get enough interest to get this one going?


Does anyone know of a company that'll produce these AND our door seals and weatherstripping?

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  moosens said:
I know I need them. And I'm sure most of you will need them if you don't already.


Urethane? I would even settle for rubber at this point.


Can we get enough interest to get this one going?


Does anyone know of a company that'll produce these AND our door seals and weatherstripping?


stage 1 or stage 2?

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Count me in for a group purchase.


  moosens said:
I know I need them. And I'm sure most of you will need them if you don't already.


Urethane? I would even settle for rubber at this point.


Can we get enough interest to get this one going?


Does anyone know of a company that'll produce these AND our door seals and weatherstripping?

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You could try Kevin McIntyre at Kmac suspension in Sydney Australia he also exports all over the world.

Having worked for him years ago I know he never throws anything out and caters for all models,he would for instance have swaybars for early 1400gsr coupes springs etc and makes urephane strut tops for almost anything.

Also in Sydney Australia is Peter Jacksons "old Auto Rubber Co." who can supply most any vehicle rubber you care to name as he makes his own extrusions and dies.

Both should be on the net,Kmac I believe has an American agent as I know he has made stuff for many of your more famous tuners that they rebadge and repaint from his trademark orange finish.

Strut tops would probably be adjustable for camber and castor which is the best option for front or all wheel drive .

With the exchange rate where it is at the moment it is advantageous for US buyers as well Regards Steve

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I have replaced my top strut mounts on my '79 Brat using wrecking yard parts from a 2001 Deawoo Nubira. Sorry I didn't take any photos but the operation was fairly straight forward. I used the Brat strut and spring perch and the Nubira bearing and mount. It all fits quite nicely. I already had the tools to compress the springs.


There is one minor snag that is easily remedied, the Nubira strut mount is not offset as is the Brat for the Kingpin Inclination Angle. Use the upper Brat strut mount shell with the rubber removed,(on mine the rubber was already mostly gone) drill two holes in the shell. Then knock out the Nubira studs and carriage bolt the Nubria top mount to the Brat shell, use the Brat studs to mount to the body. Kingpin Inclination Angle is restored.


I have $50 invested in the repair.


Why reinvent the wheel when you can use exsisting stock with some minor tweaking.


That's my 2 cents worth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Count me in as well. I just called the guy in Cali and he would need a detailed drawing or an original. Which puts me out. My rar sway bar bushing in non - existant anymore. Not to mention shocks and struts for my 78 Brat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Based on my recent successes with molding, I'm thinking of taking this on. How hard is it to remove the strut mount? Do I have to remove the whole strut from the bottom, or does the mount just pop off the top with the two obvious bolts?





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