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Hi Everyone. New member here. I have a 2008 Tribeca with about 11000 miles on it. Today it started to make a clunking sound whenever I make a sharp left hand turn. It only happens on a left turn not right. Also if I turn at a slow speed there is no noise. I will take it in to get it checked but I'm wondering if anybody else has experienced this or happen to have an idea as to what is causing it?




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Is there something loose in the cargo area? Other than that (meaning you are sure it is under the car) get thee to a dealership to have the loose item checked out. Your Subaru is way too new to have anything going klunk on it. You have not had time for anything to wear out. find out what is loose and have it fixed. The dealership should do this under warranty.

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Thanks Gnuman.



I did have it checked out and turns out that the bolt connecting the left side of the front sway bar fell out. The Service reps said that they have not seen anything like this before. They put on a new one and I was good to go.


I'll chalk this up as a fluke occurence. Otherwise, my Tribeca has been fine.

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