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EJ22 conversion difficulty. (more BS)

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I've pulled and reinstalled engines before but I've never had this much difficulty getting the tranny to spline into the engine. Is there something I'm missing? Are they even compatible? Was there something else I was supposed to swap there?


I got the engine in a couple weeks ago but couldn't get it splined in then either. So it just sat with the engine hoise keeping it from falling onto the ground. Me and my dad have been trying on and off since about 11:00 this morning. We're using a socket on the main crank pulley and turning it to try to get it to spline, but everytime it pops in (sure feels like that anyway) you can look down into the crack and see that the transmission stud isn't moving as I turn the main crank. It's most definitely not stripped out either.


Things we know for sure:

It's not being held back by the engine mount bolts, the tranny is jacked up just enough so that they clear the crossmember.

The 2 small bolts on the bottom are going into their holes just fine.

The opening all the way around between the engine and tranny looks uniform. Everything seems to be lining up just fine.


If anybody could lend me a hand I'd love that. I've already busted out the back window of my wagon with a c-clamp (that's a real bummer because it houses all my parts and now they're not even protected from the elements) and I'd REALLY like to have all the windows on my sedan intact but I've come dangerously close to throwing my BFH at it... I really like this car but my temper is really getting to me. Any tips?


Would it be easier to pull the tranny out and attach it to the engine and put it in as one big chunk?

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just wanted to verify that you are using a matching clutch to the tranny and not an EJ clutch.


Yep that's right. EA82 flywheel and an EA82 4wd clutch. I'll check part numbers when I go to work though and make sure I have the right clutch. They could have possibly given me the wrong one when I bought it.

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Yep that's right. EA82 flywheel and an EA82 4wd clutch. I'll check part numbers when I go to work though and make sure I have the right clutch. They could have possibly given me the wrong one when I bought it.


Do you have an adapter plate for the engine to the tranny? The shaft of the ea tranny is longer than the ej tranny. You need an adapter plate to overcome this and to mate the two different bolt patterns. If you have the adapter plate already try the trick of loosening the bolts for the pressure plate. You can tighten them through the starter hole after the tranny is in. Some one had this problem last week and this solution was posted and it worked for them. My ea tranny slid right on to the ej motor with the adapter when I did mine, so there is no tricky thing to do. Good luck.



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I bet your clutch disc isn't lined up with the pilot bearing......it's pretty hard to get.



cool trick with the EA82 trannies/clutches:


leave the 6 pressure plate bolts just finger tight, this way the clutch disc can move around behind the pressure plate. a little grease on the input shaft so it can slide easily into the disc/pilot bearing. then put them together. then you'll find you can reach those pressure plate bolts one at a time through the starter hole. leave the trans in neutral, and put a 21mm socket/ratchet on the crank bolt, and you can spin the flywheel around and tighten them down one at a time.


be sure to tighten them in opposing pattern. that is, always rotate it the same direction. tighten the first, then rotate and skip to the 3rd, then the 2nd, 3rd, 2nd, and finally the 3rd again (that's all 6). Then to be sure, go around once putting final torque on each one individually.



when I did the EJ swap a couple weeks ago, we had a heck of a time getting them to line up originally. pulled it back out and did this trick, and it was much easier.

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I found my problem guys and gals. I was TOLD I got a 4wd clutch kit, but it's a 2wd clutch kit. And I can't return it being that I've already opened and installed it. At least I know what my problem was now.


Thanks for bringing that up s'ko, it made me realize I could just take the clutch off and see if it would even spline onto the transmission. No go on that one!

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That's a bunch of crap. You trusted them to give you the right part and they blew it - and your ONLY way to find the mistake was to install the part and render it unreturnable. I hope you paid with a credit card or a debit card with a VISA / MC endorsement - dispute the charge. Give them a chance to make it right and get you the right part before you pull that trigger.


I found my problem guys and gals. I was TOLD I got a 4wd clutch kit, but it's a 2wd clutch kit. And I can't return it being that I've already opened and installed it. At least I know what my problem was now.


Thanks for bringing that up s'ko, it made me realize I could just take the clutch off and see if it would even spline onto the transmission. No go on that one!

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So I go to NAPA, complain like hell they gave me a 2wd clutch, and they finally take it back. Order a 4wd clutch, it came in Friday. It looked suspicious but I decided to wait until I got home and tried it out. Another damn 2wd clutch.



autozone can order the nice one, LUK

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Sheesh. Sorry to read this saga. I've actually stopped using Checker or Napa for most subaru parts.... by the time I go back two or three times... it's just not worth it. Usually with axles -- I can only seem to get the turbo axles from them, not the regular ones...


Luckly, Superrupair, which is sort of a subaru dealer, is right here in town for me. You could also try 1stsuparparts.com, which is a dealer on line, and is alledgedly better (not much experience with them, but other people have said they are good).



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