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Some questions about my wagon...

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Well, so I finally picked up a D/R wagon. It's an '87, Hitachi'd.


When I bought it, it had sat for six years in Kingman, AZ. All I had to really do to get it on the road is put some brake fluid in it, and gas. I've put 500 miles on it so far. Gets 26MPG at 75MPH, and I haven't even checked the spark plugs, let alone anything else really.


Anyway, to the questions...


1. When I push in the clutch to throw the car out of gear to stop, the car dies. Bump starts right back up no problem, but this is becoming a hassle, and for some reason I think bump starting may not be the best idea. Why in the world would it only die when the clutch is pushed in?!


2. I took the car on a very curvy mountain highway (outside of Oatman, AZ... Route 66) and played some rally-car. Well, seeing the car sat for six years, I expected the rubber items to be crappy. I blew ALL four axle boots, and both tie-rod end boots, within 5 miles of playing around. Are all of these boots available that are an OEM exact fit? I don't really care for generic stuff, never seem to have luck with any of it.


3. According to the service records I have, the shifter bushings were replaced about 5,000 miles before the car was parked. But the shifter still has a LOT of slop. Should I just replace the bushings (maybe they dried up too?) or is there something about the 5-speeds I should know about?


4. I'm getting a HORRIBLE rattling noise under the car by the shifter. I checked the heat shield on the cat, looks just fine. What else should I be looking for?


Thanks for the help in advance! Need to get the car ready for my "vagabond excursion" throughout the southwest :lol:

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First get a carb rebuild kit, OEM if you can, and clean up the carburetor. It sounds like the idle circuit is gummed up. Use a quality carb cleaner too, like Berkible Gumcutter 2+2.

And remove the plugs, check the gap and the condition of them. The electrodes should be flat, not curved(indicates wear), and the white porcelain insulator should be tan, not black. Replace plug wires, and a new distributor cap and rotor.

The boots should be available, but be sure to clean and regrease the joints. You do have to remove the axles, and disassemble them to do all this you know, but it's easy. Regrease the wheel bearings and replace the wheel seals at this time as well.

Your rattling noise may be the bushings, mine does that.

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