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well as some of you know i was fortunate enough to obtain a 2002 WRX.....i know this is prob. better fielded by the guys at NASIOC or Clubwrx.net but i thought i would ask here anyways.....are there any decent priced reliable tuners in the PA,VA,DE,MD,NJ area? ive got a TON of mods on the car and i just have a feeling it isnt running at its full potential ......thanks for your time....-AJ

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cool....thanks man!....everywere i go gives an hourly rate for tuning.....do you have idea what the average tuning session entails...like how many hours...i know it varys by car and upgrades and everything...but any ballpark estimates?

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a good tuner should be able to get a decent tune on your car in 1-2 hours max. rates vary though, i cant recall what many local shops charge. but id be saving for a tranny more than worrying about getting more power out of that car first! those trannys just arent the best. only good for about 300hp.

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