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Anyone replaced a clutch in '00 impreza?

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Mine is about to go. '00 impreza outback sport 2.2L 5spd manual. 114K miles, firstclutch.


It doesnt engage until about the last inch of pedal travel. now


I am trying to avoid the additional $400 in labor to get a shop to do it.


How much other stuff do you need to take down to get the clutch out?


I have never done it on a trans-axel before.


I have access to a full auto shop (a friend's business) I'll have his help, but his shop only works on diesel trucks so he has never done a job like this one either.


Trying to decide whether to pay $350 for the parts, or $850 to have the dealership do it.

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your sure it doesn't just need an adjustment? all the subaru's of this vintage i've worked on are hydraulic clutches, but maybe an impreza is still cable?


the good thing is almost all subaru clutch jobs are nearly identical in principle between older subaru's and yours, so just about anyone that has done it will offer very applicable advice for you.


typically the engine or transmission has to come out to do this job. on some older subaru's you can actually unbolt everything and slide the trans back without actually dropping it, replace clutch and bolt it back together. not sure how that would turn out on a newer subaru or for your first time though.


make sure you replace everything while you're in there - like throw out bearing and pilot bearing and both retaining clips.

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I was hoping to not need to pull the engine or drop the tranny. I guess there is no convenient bell housing that can be opened. Oh well.


I think this is a hydrolic clutch. I don't think it is just an adjustment. I don't think 114K miles is too out of the question to need a clutch job... do you?


also what i assume is the thow out bearing, is making a fairly loud squeeking noise when the clutch is partially engaged under throttle. it goes away when it is fully engaged or dissengaged.

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it's hydraulic, so there's no adjustment...


you're going to have to pull either the engine or the tranny...


pull whichever one you're more comfortable doing... if you haven't done either I'd suggest pulling the engine, since it's easier to work over the engine than underneath it...


however, if you need to replace your CVs or axles then pull the tranny... if you need to replace engine gaskets then pull the engine...


it seems daunting, but it's really just time consuming...


and as grossgary said, replace everything (throw out bearings, refinish flywheel, etc) while you're in there...




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thanks for the replys. I don't really want to pull the engine, but If that is the way to do it I have no choice. Since the clutch is still working okay (still doesn't slip or smell) at the moment i think i'll let it go a little longer since there is so much work involved. my first car was a 1978 mova. changing the clutch took about 2 hours start to finish and it was my first time. Ahhhh the good old days.


Since it is so time consuming, I may put off the clutch all together because i plan on trading the '00 in on a newer model in the spring. Hopefully it will last through winter, then it will become the dealer's problem!

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