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Hey Legacy777! Hey! Hey! Look! (now with poorly posted pics!)

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nah-- the VW 1.6 didn't come close to 85HP. The smaller ones (1.3-ish) were around 36. I think 55 was the most the bugs saw. Remember, most production beetles struggled to reach 60 mph. Even the big bore flat four waterbox in the vanagon only put out 82HP, that was in 1984!!


130HP in a sub-2000lb car-- + the high torque of the 2.2L, geesh. You'll REALLY want to weight the front end down-- battery, fuel, etc, cuz it'll get squirelly at high speeds, esp with the boosted power.





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The last engine I built for it had maybe 85 horse. Bowl blending, recurved disty, weber32/36, headers. It would go over 100mph.


The tranny is only good for 150 hp.


Engine mods? Don't think i need any, but there's always nitrous oxide. I think they start popping wheelies at 150 hp.

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Considering the fact that with the old 1.6 producing ~60 hp generously, you were at 28 lb/HP. Doing a little bit of surfing, I happened across some stats for a 94 Mustang GT. It makes about 15.8 lb/HP, close to your 17 lb/HP mark! So, if you did a few engine mods, you might even be able to smoke some 'stangs out the the box! Better yet, lighten the load a bit :D (and no, I don't mean the South Beach diet...)

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Let's say that theoretically, the transmission will hold up. Then let's say that a 50hp shot of NO2 is actually adding 50 hp, for a theoretical total of 180 hp. That would give me around 11.3 lbs per hp. That would be niiiice.


I'd like to hand a Mustang GT it's rump roast.

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  • 4 years later...

3.5 year bump.


And it's gone. I just sold it to a soldier who is headed back to Iraq next year. He plans on taking it to Italy with him. Big plans. Air ride suspension, nice interior, repaint. He loves an EJ22.


He also had his wife and four toddlers with him. I feel bad for his whole family. Paradoxical: The worse I feel about his situation, the less I miss the car.


Enough waxing nostalgic. I'd like to thank Legacy 777, Setright, Legacycentral.org, and whoever else had a part in it. I appreciate it.



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you know i got a 67 bug

and a ej22 and a welder

hey nug want to come to c,ville and build another one???

hows it going brother, glad you were able to sell it

i dont have so much luck selling my custum soobs


I don't know if I'd want to hack up a '67. They were the last of the old school ones, and pretty unique.


Unless it's a rusted out ****box, then it's game.


I've got new projects, like a '91 german market Mini Cooper. Needs rust and accident damage repair.

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