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looking for a good shop manual 2000 outback

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Howdy! I'm new to the forum and gotta say, it looks like a great place - full of information and help! Very nicely done! I have recently been plagued with the dreaded viscous coupling unit going out on my 2000 Outback and am trying to find a good manual or set of instructions on how to fix it. Haynes and Chilton apparently don't cover it, and searching the internet for three hours couldn't even get me an exploded diagram or picture of it. (I did however find 13 blurry pictures of a secret Air Force hanger in the middle of the Nevada desert that some claim houses a factory shop manual for this repair...but it's guarded by Big foot.):( Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!


P.S. I searched in the Ultimate repair section but apparently nobody else has been broke enough or crazy enough to do this themselves. - didn't find any procedure type info.

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