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Looking for help with replacing my Loyale engine....

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Anyone local to Mountain View California want to help. I have ordered the replacement, and I need some one with a little experience to give me a hand. Will buy all the beer and pizza. :) The motor should be here by the end of next week.


I picked it up from Mike at S-wings, and he said I should put the call out. :)



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It took me 3 days to remove mine and that's with the help of the forum. Without it, I wouldn't have removed it at all.


However, after the first time, you can remove it it in 3 hours, I think. Once you see the gory details - it is easy.

One tip: Need lots of PB Blaster on these rusty bolts. May take you a while to remove the exhaust for that reason. Get a long breaker bar too.


Installing it is more difficult. While at it, change heads and head gaskets, maybe timing belts. I payed some shade tree mechanic $200 to installl it, I think it is worth it. Could have done it myself but it would have taken me forever (where does this hose go to?) Too many hoses and wires to connect and not that much room in there. Although admittedly, it is one of the easiest FWD cars to work on.

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