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adapters for engine swap?


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I have a new in the crate Mitsubishi 4dr50 diesel, and I want to put in a wagon with hi/low 5 speed subaru trans. where can I get the adapter to bolt this up. I have searched but with limited ability on this computer haven't found what I need. I thank any advise and welcome comments. My hopes are that I find a GOOD machine shop within the USMB family that will work with me. I don't want to change any drive train! Thanks again.

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woah, what's the motor from anyway? and why? sounds cool!

The motor was shipped as industrial to California some were used in boats also these were used in jeeps and a 6 cylinder version in a dodge truck in 78. As for the why, to be different, and I got it for free! And should get mad mileage in a subie. Motor is on crate with shipping grease still.:grin:

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